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3 Ways To Market A Design Business Offline

If you are running a design business but you are only using online resources and

the internet to market and advertise, then you are seriously missing out on other opportunities to pull in potential customers. You should really be looking towards offline marketing for your design business as well because even though its the 21st Century not everyone has access to the internet at home and though an online portfolio can show off your work well, nothing is more impressive for a customer than seeing tangible examples of your design work. The three main ways of marketing your business offline well be discussing this guide are post cards, brochures and business cards.

Firstly why not try marketing through post cards? Theyre very simple to distribute and extremely cheap to buy and make, you can use the front of a post card to show off your designing skill with expert photography or professional graphic skills. Post cards can be easily sent out using an address directory or buy just walking around your local area posting them in every house you come across.

This is a form of mass marketing, a scatter gun approach so youll need to post hundreds of post cards to see any sort of effect. This method of advertising works well because its very cheap all around and it creates a personal touch between business and customer as youll have created every single post card yourself, maybe even hand write them all to add that extra touch.

Next, you could try using brochures. Brochures arent as limited as post cards as you can include more information than youd be able to on two sides of a small piece of card. Brochures can be like a small paper version of your website as it you can put design work samples in, information about you, customer feedback, contact information and a list of qualifications and skills you have to offer.

The only real downside of a brochure is cost but though it may be more expensive than a post card it does look more professional, you can also use them for everything from sending to peoples houses to business events.

Finally, why not try advertising your design business through business cards? Of the three offline marketing options, business cards are the cheapest and easiest to store. Business cards are limited to purely contact information but you can create custom design backgrounds for your business cards make them stand out and show off your design acumen. You can put some in your wallet to hand to people as youre on the move, you can leave a pile at business events for people to pick or you could even use them like post cards and post them around your local area.

by: Gino Orlandi
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3 Ways To Market A Design Business Offline New York City