3 Ways Credit Collection Agencies Can Improve Your Cash Flow
Share: Credit collection agencies should be considered whenever you need help recovering bad debts
. Solving ongoing debt problems can improve your cash flow, which is critical to any successful business.
There are any number of reasons a customer may be ignoring your requests for payment but an agency gives you the greatest chance of discovering the reason and are experts in recovering debt, giving you the greatest chance of collecting. Further, most debt collection agencies work on a contingency basis, therefore you won't pay unless the moneys are collected.
There are so many daily tasks for the small business owner to operate successfully; having to find time to collect outstanding debts can be an inefficient allocation of resources. Detailed below are three ways to improve your cash flow and ease your daily routine simply by engaging a debt collection service.
1. Saves you time and associated costs with chasing debt
Chasing debt is time consuming and expensive. The costs of phone calls and sending out demand letters needs to be taken into account if you choose to continue trying to collect a debt internally. Considering the time you or a staff member spends chasing bad debt, you may well be better off using the services of an agency.
The cost of the fees involved could well be offset by the improved cash flow back to your business as agencies have a much better chance of a successful outcome for
debt recovery. Furthermore, you wont pay unless the money is collected so there is no downside.
2. Get old debts paid - agencies are usually taken more seriously
When a business receives a letter of demand from an agency or an agency's legal arm, they are more likely to react. Using an agency means that debts are paid faster than those you attempt to recover yourself. Agencies can negotiate with debtors and if necessary arrange for the bill to be paid in installments. This saves the customer the embarrassment of having to explain their personal circumstances to you, an important consideration if the customer is to continue buying your products or using your services.
The global financial crisis of recent years has effected many businesses but this does not mean your business need to continue to struggle with cash flow.
3. Increase your bank balance - reduce your debtors
Once you have appointed an agency and accounts start to be paid on a regular basis, there will be a noticeable reduction in your debtors' ledger and a healthy increase in your bank balance. This is always a good indication that your cash flow has improved.
Improved cash flow equates to better stability for your business. A recognised
debt collection agency can help to reduce your list of ageing debtors in ways that you may not have thought possible. The agencies have access to details not generally available to the public and can persist with difficult payers where you may be faced with time restraints that cause added pressure to a workload that is already at its limits.
Hiring an agency frees your time to concentrate on the other important aspects of your business while the credit collection agency handles your debtor control. In light of the current financial status of the nation this can only mean positive results for your business.
by: John Zukerman
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