3 Ways Businesses Can Use Gourmet Flavored Popcorn To Draw Crowds
Share: One look at a bowl of yummy chocolate or cheddar popcorn and it's easy to see why this is America's favorite treat
. The smell has a way on entrancing everyone, convincing them to try the tasty treat. Why shouldn't businesses use this to their advantage? Gourmet flavored popcorn will bring in potential leads and help keep them there to increase the chance of making a profitable sale, or at least a loyal follower.
Here are three great ways businesses can enhance their marketing with this tasty treat.
Trade Show Booths
With so many displays in one place, it can be difficult to attract people to your trade show booths. But, with some colorful gourmet flavored popcorn like white and yellow cheddar popcorn as well as cinnamon and chocolate flavors, attendees will happily wait in line for taste of their favorite flavor. In the mean time, sales staff has plenty of time to talk to each one and make sales or collect contact information.
Take this concept one further by giving away small tins of this delicious snack with the company logo and contact info on it. Or, include large containers of this treat with other products or cards for services as part of a large prize drawing. Sales staff will be so busy, they won't know who to approach first, and with happy attendees, sales are sure to go up.
In Store Sales Or Celebrations
Large sales, store birthdays, and holidays are the perfect excuse to have a party and invite the public to join you. With balloons, cake, refreshments, gourmet flavored popcorn, and huge sales, current and potential customers will have a blast. And, having everyone in a good mood, walking around munching gourmet flavored popcorn, is always a good thing; they'll stick around longer, they'll be more open to chat, and more willing to connect with sales staff.
This is also a great opportunity to advertise the sale, the business, and offer up some great contests or coupons to further increase the number of people making their way to the business. Social media, the company website, and email newsletter lists are also helpful. And, if they are each given a special code for the event, which entitles them to an additional discount or free gift, it will provide an opportunity to gauge the effectiveness of the various marketing methods.
Joining Forces With A Non-Profit Organization
While these events aren't instantly associated with boosting profits, they can be one of the best events for any business to hold. Not only does the money go to a good cause, but the exposure for the company as well as the demonstration of its dedication to the community also goes a long way to building a following of loyal customers. Some of these events could include movie nights where both organizations combine their efforts to sell tins of cheddar popcorn to cover the costs. Be sure to advertise the event, and include the business logo and contact information in the advertisement.
These are just three ways businesses can use gourmet popcorn to boost their revenue. All it takes is America's favorite snack, some creativity, and a little hard work to pull off. Oh, and maybe a little cheddar popcorn for inspiration!
by: Chris Harmen
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