3 Ways To Make Money From Forex Trading Without Having To Trade Yourself
The great thing about forex trading is that you can still generate a consistent income
even if you are unable to come up with a successful trading system yourself. Let me discuss this in more detail because there are essentially three different ways you can potentially make money without having to trade yourself.
First of all you can treat your money as investment capital and invest some of it into a managed fund. Just as there are funds set up to invest in the stock market, there are also funds that trade the forex markets. So there are potentially some great returns to be had if you find a quality fund run by a highly talented trader.
An alternative approach is to find a professional trader and ask them to trade your money for you. You will need to offer them a decent percentage of any profits for them to consider this offer, and it's not always easy to find such a person in your local area, but again there are potentially some big profits to made.
A second way you can generate returns from forex trading without trading yourself is to find a reliable signal provider. You will find lots of these services on the internet, but it's a lot harder to find one that provides you with decent signals that generate consistent profits month after month. Most of them are nowhere near as profitable as they make out to be.
If you don't want to trade the signals yourself, you may like to use one of the automated signal providers. This is quite a new phenomenon but you will find several companies online that act as a marketplace bringing signal providers and traders together. All you do is subscribe to the most profitable ones and the signals given will be automatically traded in your account.
A final option is to use an expert advisor to trade for you. These are essentially robots that are employed on the MT4 platform to place trades based on certain criteria set forward by the programmer of the robot. They are extremely popular nowadays, but again they are not all as profitable as they seem. Sure they may make money in the short term, but very few of them are able to generate decent returns on a long term basis.
So the basic message is that you can earn a decent income from currency trading without having to trade yourself. However it's not necessarily as easy as it sounds.