3 Ways To Come Up With Unique Content For Your Online Blog
Share: Over and over again I read about blog owners and other internet publishers commenting
on how difficult it is to regularly find topical ideas from which to create blog posts.
So here are 3 of my favourite tips to help you find the inspiration you are looking for. These ideas will allow you to generate as many blog posts as you want, no matter what your particular market is:
Tip 1: Study Other Blogs In Your Marketplace:
Just type your specific topic followed by the word "blog" into Google and look at a few of the websites that you see.
This can be a splendid source of inspiration no matter what your particular market is, although of course you must not just copy an article you like and include it within your own blog without authorization.
What I am suggesting you do here is simply discover compelling features that you think your potential customers will like and then create your own piece in your own words to add to your site.
Do your investigation in connection with the subject matter first so that your article is entirely unique and is written in your own style, expressing your individual thoughts and personality on the topic you are writing about.
Tip 2: Investigate Your Principal Keywords:
Bring up the Google keyword tool (simply type "Google keyword tool" into Google to find it) and add the central keyword for your marketplace into the area that says "Word Or Phrase".
This returns a collection of the internet marketing keywords that are related to your topic and you will notice that many of them are then worded as a question -- they begin with "how to..." or something similar. These questions will often become a suitable topic for a blog post.
Not only have you found an idea you can write about by using this tack, but you will have got yourself a ready-made post title and an idea of the volume of potential customers that will be searching for that specific keyword each month as well. This can be a particularly effective internet marketing strategy and can generate a lot of useful ideas for very little effort.
Of course, you are not restricted to just creating posts on subjects that answer a question. You will discover that by examining your major keywords in this way, you will develop a much greater range of ideas that will appeal to your readers, each one of which can be used to generate an informative and interesting feature that remains relevant.
Tip 3: Research Your Niche On YouTube:
YouTube and other video-sharing sites can be an excellent source of inspiration and ideas when it comes to producing your content. Again, just type your principal keyword into the search box and look at what comes back.
The beauty of YouTube is that some of the video clips are provided by people who are providing a solution to a unique issue. Other videos discuss ways in which something relevant to your market can be refined or done more successfully.
This kind of useful content is always going to be of interest to your blog's readers. Taking the various ideas that you have uncovered and then turning them into your own written content is a great method of creating interesting blog posts, although again, it is critical to add your own research, ideas, personality and style into your article to make it unique to you every time.
These 3 straightforward ideas will provide more inspiration than you are ever likely to require, enabling you to offer your blog's readers unique and valuable content that is written in your own words and expressed in a way that will therefore appeal to your potential customers.
by: Adrian Kay
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