100 Years Of Boy Scouting: What Has Changed?

Share: February marked the 100 year anniversary of the the Boy Scouts of America organization
. Since its founding in 1910 more than 110million Americans have been members of the BSA. Currently it still remains one of the largest youth organizations in the United States with over four million youth members in its various divisions.
The BSA goals isnt just to provide kids a safe place to play and learn, though that is an important benefit. The organizations goal is to train youth in responsible citizenship, character development, and self-reliance through a wide range of outdoor activities, educational programs, and, at older age levels, career-oriented programs in partnership with community organizations.
For younger members, Scouts are introduced to typical Scouting values such as trustworthiness, good citizenship, and outdoors skills, through a variety of activities such as camping, aquatics, and hiking.
In Alvin Townleys book, Legacy of Honor: The Values and Influence of Americas Eagle Scouts, he states that the BSA's purpose at its incorporation in 1910 was "to teach patriotism, courage, self-reliance, and kindred values." In 1937, the BSA's director stated, "Each generation as it comes to maturity has no more important duty than that of teaching high ideals and proper behavior to the generation which follows." The current mission statement of the BSA is "to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.
While the program has grown and changed over its 100 year history, much has stayed the same. Scouts still learn leadership skills, teamwork skills as well as learning about citizenship. Much of the information that is taught through participation in the BSA is unique and not taught anywhere else.
Camp outs remain as popular with scouts today as they did 100 years ago. Now, though, it offers the rare opportunity for kids to unplug from technology and get in touch with nature. This opportunity itself seems to become more and more rare with each passing year and each new gadget invented.
If you talk with any of the 110 million Americans who have participated in the BSA organization, you will hear fond memories of hiking, learning to sail, cooking over a campfire as well as earning badges. Its reassuring to know that the newest generation of scouts still get to participate in a very similar experience that past members got to participate in.
With the pace of the current technology age, kids can seem to speak a different language than adults. The BSA offers activities that bring kids and adults together, for positive activities. Its a special organization where important skills are handed down, and memories are both shared and created.
by: Brian L. Kasal
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