10 Ways To Help Your Teen Succeed

Share: 1.You are still your childs role model, so make sure you take their education seriously
. Help to keep a good perspective about your kids' classes work and encounter. Afterall, if it's important to you then it's going to be very important to them.
2.Don't confuse teen independence with a a shortage of will need. Be engaged. Ask questions. Do not neglect parent teacher conference or school shows your teen is involve with. Make it easy for your teen to invite their friends to your apartment - afterall you can take advantage of all those awesome amenities.
3.Make sure your teen gets to school and on time. Failing grades are usually because of missed work assigned on days when your teen is absent.
4.Create a comfortable, well lit and quiet space for your teen to work on homework. Don't forget to stock up on the right school supplies so they can do their work; pencils, markers, rulers, calculators, etc.

Share: 5.Try getting your teenager involved with extra-curricular activities like soccer, debate, government, marching band, etc.
6.Be sure to recognize when they are doing well - not just when they are having problems.
7.Lack of sleep is a common cause for poor behavior - make sure they are getting enough sleep. Require all electronics to be turned off by a certain time - that way they won't be tempted to stay up lay playing online. Self regulation is not an innate skill - they need your help to teach them how.
8.Help your teen with time management. Teens need help with organization, prioritizing, deadlines and keeping track of assignments.
9.Diet has a big impact on behaviors - make sure you keep healthy food in the cupboards and junk food out of the apartment. You might not be capable of control what they eat when theyre out and about, but you can at least offer effective eating habits at home which support a healthy body and mind.
10.Living in an apartment community is a big advantage! With lots of neighbors you can more easily put together study groups, activity clubs or just hang out by the pool with other teens.
Countless studies have proven that parental involvement is one of the key indicators of teen success in school. Be a good listener, keep your communication open and non-judgemental and don't offer advice but rather personal experience - that they can't argue with and will respect. Parenting your teenager through high school doesnt need to be a nightmare. Teens are wired to push boundaries and tests limits as they become adults and work to sever the parental ties and develop their autonomy, so understand that rebellion is simply an expression of that. Teaching your young adults wonderful life abilities like grocery shopping with a spending budget, making independent decisions, maintaining their vehicle, balancing their checkbook, or helping out around your
Tucson apartment, and so on. will support them become the responsible adults they will need to be to take care of themselves when they're at college or out on their own. We were all teenagers so don't forget what it was like for you and show some empathy. Its a rough time and it takes active, involved and respectful parents to ease them by way of it. Investing time early on can result in teenager who is well balanced and happy - all worth the effort.
by: PMGuruJohn
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