10 Traits For Online Success
Share: It's an unfortunate fact that only about 3% of everyone that attempts Internet marketing has any success whatsoever
. What happens to the other 97%? I'll get into the main factors in a moment, but first, let me describe to you what factors are not involved in success.
I learned early on that success online did not involve luck and it didn't make any difference how intelligent the person was. Sure, you need average intelligence and average IQ; but nothing special is required with respect to "smarts".
In fact, too much thought and too many brains involved in the process can actually act as road blocks to success. Anyone with basic intelligence has the ability to enjoy massive success online.
Secondly, there is no luck involved in the process. It's not a matter of being in the right place at the right time, or knowing the right people, or having the one, single, greatest idea ever. It's not a matter of luck period.
It's about following a plan for a reasonably well thought out idea. Now let me get into the 10 reasons that I feel are most important for achieving online success.
Those who achieve success online have these 10 traits.
1. They are forever optimistic and positive. They understand and believe with all their heart that success is just around the corner. They totally believe in and embrace the law of attraction.
2. They all understand the concept of failing fast. They understand that Internet marketing is not like a conventional brick and mortar business where failure can be disastrous. They understand testing, and testing very quickly.
3. They don't expect results by next week or by next month, for that matter. They understand Internet marketing is a process that must be built upon.
4. They never try to reinvent the wheel. They always look at what is working for other people, and try to take that information and tweak it and adjust it to fit their own style of marketing, their own personality, and their own time frame.
5. Those who are successful understand that just because they like a certain topic or a certain subject or a certain product does not mean the masses do. They understand, they are marketing to the masses and not to themselves, not to their friends, not to their spouses.
6. They absolutely have no issues with asking for help, and they do this on a regular basis. They seek out advice from people who understand the process.
8. They never put all their eggs in one basket. They never look to just Google for traffic. They never look to just one idea to make their success online.
9. They enjoy the process of online marketing and not just the income it produces. They can't be "in it" just for the money.
10. They treat Internet marketing as a business (vs. a lottery or get rich quick scheme)
I could go on, but those ten alone will get anyone into the 3% bracket easily.
by: Steve Weber
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