10 Tips to making money online when you are over 50
10 Tips to making money online when you are over 50
For those who belive that they could make some money online, then read on for some useful tips.
Much of the stuff that you see advertised is quite sound but very seldom do you actually get the basics, and then ALL the steps needed to actually start earning. It can be quite daunting. So you need to start making some decisions about what you want to achieve and plan out your own road map.
Remember the old saying " "if you fail to plan, you plan to fail"? Well by following the maxim, you will straighten your mind, and clearly see where you want to go. You will be able to determine those opportunities that fit your plan and discard the rest, you will save lots of money!
Okay so lets look at a few things to watch out for.
1/ Be cautious about such statements as, "Guru x made $10,453 overnight", last week, last weekend or whatever. They probably did but not how you see it! You are extremely unlikely to get that sort of income from scratch. "Guru x" has been doing their thing for a long time and probably has developed a huge lists of potential clients, with whom they have built up a relationship. They will have bought from the "Guru" before and be happy to buy again and feel that they can trust them. Now did you see some clues here?
a/ "long time", 12 months or more usually.
b/ "developed huge lists", often in the tens of thousands.
c/ "built up a relationship" 12 months or more again.
d/ "feel that they can trust them" Why would you buy from someone you don't know?
None of this is impossible but it takes time and effort, so you must set your sights on achievable goals.
2/ The sort of claims for example; "Make money in your PJs", "make money overnight", yes these once again are feasible but similar to the claims above they take time to get to that level of income.
3/ Look out for "ready made websites", "plug and play websites", they are often misleading, so stay clear. You have to remember that a lot of people will have the same sites and although the internet is so vast that probably doesn't matter too much, you will get lost against people who have more experience. You will end up frustrated and out of pocket.
4/ Many of the opportunities you get sent are too advanced, for the beginner, or newbie. These mostly assume that you have experience and success. Read them very carefully to see if that is the case for you. One of the most useful things to assess the quality of the offer and the support you may or may not get, is to email the sender (who might be an affiliate) or the address on the website if there is one; and ask the questions you want answered. If you get a decent reply then you can decide what to do, no reply means don't buy it, unless you really think it's OK.
5/ A safeguard in the early stages is to buy through "Clickbank" as you can always easily get a refund, if it isn't what you want, so a strong tip there. Not all websites have full details on and that isn't unreasonable otherwise they would be spending a lot of their time on often unnecessary correspondence as reading through their text most of the information is already there. So use "Clickbank.com" for your early purchases.
6/ Don't look for the ads that say, "Email 1,000s a day", "Get your site onto 10,000s of search engines overnight", nothing is that simple, you need your research to establish what you want to do. Affiliate marketing is probably one of the easiest and cheapest ways to start. This is simply acting as an agent recommending other people's products, which can be an eBook, a car, or anything you can find actually! There are several sites to find items you can sell as an affiliate, just search for "affiliate sites" on "Google.com". "Clickbank" will be found there and is free to set up as an affiliate.
7/ A good way of getting started is to look for a quality and affordable membership site that offers to lead you through the "jungle", preferably with affiliate sites. Again beware of the proposal and make sure it is what you need. At the least they should mention the words "guide" or "blueprint", which indicates that there is a series of steps that you can follow and a contact or help support)desk if you get lost.
8/ The next stage when you have done your research is to start taking ACTION, nothing will work if you don't do anything. We are all guilty of this lapse and the idea of setting up your plan earlier is to help you make the effort to follow through.
9/ If when you follow your plan and you see its not working, review it see if you can do better and if not stop it and start something else again with a written down plan.
10/ If it works, become an expert at it and follow the same guidelines and repeat the exercise again as many times as you need to make an income and you will find it works. Remember failure is only a step towards success!
So what do we have here? Research and plan your means of developing an online business. Checkout potential partners (products) thoroughly, monitor what you are doing until it becomes successful and then repeat the exercise.
Good Luck!
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