Many people apply for credit cards hoping to get a very high credit limit. What they often find is that the credit limit that they qualify for is considerably lower than what they had anticipated. This can be frustrating for people who want to consolidate their debt or who want to be able to use only one card for all of their purchases. One way that many smart consumers get around this problem is by applying for transfer credit cards.What...more
Money back credit cards are a great invention. They are a way for consumers to save money on every purchase that they make by getting a percentage of the purchase back from their credit card company at the end of the billing cycle. Most consumers who have a money back credit card are satisfied with this benefit. But those consumers that are really smart with their money can actually benefit a lot more from the use of their money back credit...more
A zero interest credit card is clearly an obvious opportunity to save money. Several credit card companies offer programs where you do not have to pay interest, or finance charges, on the line of credit. In nearly all of these situations, the zero interest credit cards have a limited time offer for zero percent. After that introductory period of time, the rate will likely adjust to your standard interest rate. During the time of no interest, you may be able to save a substantial amount of money by using these credit lines. How Interest Is DeterminedWhen you use a credit card, the credit card company makes a profit by charging you interest on the purchases that you make. They assign interest rates, or the percentage that they charge you, based on your past credit history as well as other factors. The lower this rate is, the less risk you are to the company and therefore the lower the amount of money you have to pay when you use the credit card. When you apply for a zero interest credit card, you are applying for a line of credit that offers no interest. Again, this is mostly for a limited amount of time. Zero interest credit cards likely help you to save money by simply not...more
A no interest credit card seems like a good thing, and it can be, when used correctly. There are many examples of credit card companies providing this type of introductory 0 APR offer. These lines may be an ideal way to save money on finance changes and they may help you to lower the amount you are paying on other lines of credit. There are...more
Nobody likes tax time. This is particularly true for the small business owner who has to deal with business taxes in addition to personal taxes. However, there are things that you can do throughout the year to reduce the stress that is felt at tax time. One of those things is to use a business credit card for all purchases that are made throughout...more
You have almost certainly received a credit card 0 apr offer in your mailbox or email inbox. Some people apply for every 0 apr credit card that comes their way. Others opt to avoid applying for these cards altogether. What both types of people will find is that there are good offers and bad offers when it comes to 0 apr credit cards. More importantly, there are things that you can do to maximize the benefit that you get from these credit cards. The most important of these things is that you can think in the short-term about paying off any debt that you put on a 0 apr credit card.Types of 0 APR Credit CardsThe credit card 0 apr offer might apply to a number of different types of credit cards. A common credit card that you'll see like this is the credit card that offers zero percent interest on balance transfers. However, you might also be offered 0 apr credit cards that are for purchases. In order to make sure that you maximize your use of these cards, you need to make sure that you're clear on what type of credit card you have. You need to be sure that you clearly understand what the zero percent applies to and what the interest rate is on the rest of the card. For example, if you...more
It's a little bit exciting to get credit card cash back money. After all, you already made those credit card purchases and forgot about them so it's not like you're really expecting to get anything else. The cash back credit card offers you a little...more
To paraphrase an old saying, "When the going gets tough, retailers start slashing operational costs." Ironically, cost slashing usually exposes a retailer to even greater risks instead of fortifying it against economic uncertainties. All businesses...more
What's the greatest risk to your portfolio during bad markets? Surprise! It's probably your advisor.The other week, a friend of mine sent me an article from a financial advisor in the U.S. asking me for my opinion. In the article, the advisor stated...more
These days, many similar businesses are in competition with each other to win the crusade for the customer. With the construction of each new restaurant, supermarket and department store, people are offered more and more options on where they can go....more
Are you tired of being held hostage to your debt? Use these simple solutions to pay down your debt and eventually eliminate it forever.Cutting up your credit cardsAre you fed up with credit card companies? Are you having trouble paying off your...more
Don't get trapped by credit card debt forever. By making easy moves towards financial freedom, you can be debt-free in less than 2 years.Approaching credit card debt with a planHave you accumulated a ton of credit card debt over the years and simply...more