Store cards are a form of credit card where a consumers can spend on the card and then either repay the balance in full at the end of each month in order to avoid interest, or can spread the repayments on the card over a period of time, in which case interest will be charged on the balance until it has been repaid in full. Although more and more shops are now offering store cards, there are not many benefits to having these cards and they can...more
Managing your debts can be a difficult and frustrating task if you have a wide range of debts and a variety of creditors to deal with. Unfortunately, many of us now have a range of debts that we have to make repayments on each month, and as well as being time consuming this can increase the chances of missed and late repayments. Keeping on top of your debts can make financial management something of a nightmare, but there is a solution that can...more
When you have a wide range of debts to deal with dealing with your finances and keeping up with repayments can become increasingly difficult. Many of us find ourselves having to deal with high debt levels these days, and having to keep up with a large number of repayments each month can quickly lead to missed and late repayments, which can in turn adversely affect our credit ratings.Consolidation is an effective solution that can help us to minimise on the number of debts and creditors that we have to deal with, and can make it far easier to deal with our finances and keep up with repayments. Consolidation loans are loans that enable us to pay off our smaller, more expensive debts and enjoy one easier lower interest, more affordable repayment instead.The idea of a consolidation loan is that you take out a loan that enables you to pay off your existing smaller debts. You will then be able to get rid of your various smaller debts and be left with one larger debt instead. Although you will still be in the same level of debt in terms of how much you owe there are a number of valuable benefits that come with consolidation.As most of us know it can be difficult trying to juggle a range...more
With the New Year having past us by, many of us are starting to think now about our New Year's financial resolutions, one of the major issues that most of us always promise to address it finances. Most of us find that we could make a number of improvements to our finances, whether it is in terms of managing our finances and budgeting more...more
In this day and age it is crucial that you do your research when applying for any sort of finance, particularly given the tighter lending conditions and higher borrowing costs that have stemmed from the global credit crunch. However, this is all the more important for those looking to take out an adverse credit loan, as the costs associated with...more
For most people that tend to travel abroad from the UK taking a credit card with you is a natural thing to do, as it is important that when you are far away from home you have the means to make purchases or cash withdrawals in the event that you run out of available funds. With credit cards you can make purchases direct onto the account or take out the cash that you need, and this can prove to be an invaluable facility for many of those travelling abroad on pleasure or business.However, although using a credit card abroad can prove more convenient, simple, and affordable, there are a number of things that you need to look at before you make your final decision. By keeping your eyes peeled you could help to avoid some of the different types of credit card debt, and below you will find some of the different credit card debts and problems that could affect you. 1. Check on fees charged on transactions. Credit card companies these days charge a foreign transaction fee on any transaction that is made on your card, and the cost of these fees can vary. You should make sure that you opt for a company that that charges minimal fees for transactions carried out on the card, as the overall...more
Your property is most likely one of the biggest and most valuable assets you will ever own, and the good news is that rising house prices over recent years has left most homeowners with a high level of equity in the home, making their properties even...more
If you are one of the many people that have many different debts and financial commitments to deal with then you will know what a hassle financial management can be, and you will be all too aware of how much your debts can put a strain on your...more
As many people have already seen the credit boom that has given many of us easy access to affordable finance over recent years is quickly diminishing, with a growling number of lenders restricting credit and hiking up rates in order to minimise on...more
Unsecured loans are available from a wide range of lenders these days, and these loans are available to both homeowners and non-homeowners. However, you will generally need to have good credit to qualify for an affordable unsecured loan, as most...more
Many of us know how it feels to have to juggle different debts every month, from loans and catalogue bills to credit cards and store cards. It can be frustrating and difficult to manage your finances effectively when you have a number of debts with...more
Finding a suitable secured loan that offers affordability and suitable terms and conditions is not as difficult these days as it once was. In the past, finding a suitable secured loan often meant ringing around from one provider to another, or...more