Everybody has a story. People that are in any business have a story about that business. Maybe they don't tell it much, but they have a story. To people that are in network marketing, their story may be one of their most important tools. It is such an important tool, they many people in network marketing may obsess about it. They think there their story is as exciting or entertaining as it should be. They are missing the point. People that ask to hear their story really aren't expecting to be entertained or "wowed," they really just want to know how you got into the business, what has happened since you got into the business, and why you are still in the business.
Your story should start with how you got into the business. This part of the story should include why you were looking for something like network marketing in the first place. People can usually relate to the many reasons that people get into network marketing and will be much more likely to relate why they are thinking about getting into the business.
The next part of the story is what has happened since you got into the business. Are you still glad you got in? Have you had some victories that stand out? Has the business been what you expected? How do you like the products? While you may not want to talk about all these areas, you should say something about how things are going.
End your story with where you hope to take this business. Talk a little about why are still in the business. Most importantly, convey the fact that you are happy doing what you are doing and that you wouldn't want to be doing anything else. Share:
How short or how long each part of your story is depends on what you want to emphasize. If you have done really well since you got into the business and it has changed your life maybe that should be the longest part of your story. If you first found out about the business or got into the business through some interesting circumstancesand you are now really glad it happened that waymaybe that should be the longest part of your story.
Practice telling your story and really believe in it. People will immediately notice if you are not enthusiastic. Don't embellish the story (it is too hard to remember what you said), just believe in what you are doing and the story will sell itself.
So just what is your story? Start spreading teh story today. Be loud and be proud. Let the world hear your story.
To be a person is to have a story to tell. Isak Dinesen