The assured argued that "contaminate" meant introducing foreign substance thus effectively creating a different substance. It conceded, however, that a product is also referred to as contaminated when the foreign substance merely injures its usefulness without affecting the original physical characteristics. It was argued that this created an ambiguity and therefore the policy should be read in favour of the assured. However,...more
Some, but by no means all, ARPI policies contain a clause excluding spontaneous combustion, namely a fire brought about by the conditions produced within the substance itself. The key element to spontaneous combustion is the creation of a fire without obvious external factors. Therefore, there have been doubts as to whether or not an insurance policy would cover such a loss, even if it was not specifically excluded. In other words,...more
There is a degree of overlap again between riot, civil commotion and terrorism, but terrorism is considered separately in that, again, it has a somewhat different history of coverage under All Risk Property Insurance (ARPI) policies. Since the mid-1970s most ARPI policies have contained an exclusion for losses occurring in Northern Ireland. The standard exclusion has excluded liability for damage in Northern Ireland or Eire caused by riot or civil commotion and damage in Northern Ireland caused by civil commotion or any unlawful, wanton or malicious act committed maliciously by a person or persons acting on behalf of or in connection with any unlawful association. Unlawful association is defined as meaning any organisation which is engaged in terrorism and includes an organisation which at any relevant time is a proscribed organisation within the meaning of the Northern Ireland (Emergency Provisions) Act 1973. Terrorism is defined as meaning the use of violence for political ends and includes any use of violence for the purpose of putting the public or any section of the public in fear. The UK Government has taken on the responsibility in Northern Ireland for...more
A dramatic change in the market took place following the massive explosion that had occurred in St Mary Axe in 1992 resulting in damage to the Commercial Union building and other buildings in the City. At the end of 1992 the reinsurance market withdrew cover for terrorism leaving many direct insurers exposed and being required to...more
The Chambers Concise Twentieth Century Dictionary defines terrorism as "an organised system of intimidation especially for political ends". Lastly, the Concise Oxford Dictionary describes a terrorist as "a person who uses or favours violence and intimidating methods of coercing a government or community". The Prevention of Terrorism...more
Without such public declarations, the identity of the target may be an indication of whether the motive is specific or whether it has political motivation—is the intention to influence the individual or the government? If, for example, animal rights campaigners chose as a target a public institution with no specific link with an individual so as to promote its aims for publicity purposes, it may well amount to an attempt to influence the government. The government measures which have enabled all risk property insurers to reinstate terrorist cover were brought into force by the Reinsurance (Acts of Terrorism) Act 1993 which provides by section 2(2) that acts of terrorism are defined as: "acts of persons acting on behalf of, or in connection with any organisation which carries out activities directed towards the overthrowing or influencing, by force or violence, of Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom or any other Government dejure or de facto." The Scheme will only apply if the following factors are in place: - the primary7 ARPI must be insurance of commercial property or certain domestic property in multiple occupation; - the primary policies must...more
When purchasing commercial vehicle insurance there are many different options to choose from, do you need breakdown insurance, towing insurance or windscreen insurance? These different commercial van insurance extras will affect how much you pay for...more
With so many insurance companies in the United States today, choosing the one that suits best your needs can be a puzzling decision to make. So once you have decided to buy an insurance policy, how do know if the insurance provider is the right one....more
So your on the market for ipod touch insurance of blackberry insurance? If so, then you will find the information presented herein to be very helpful. There are numerous attributes and qualities that you should be looking for in an...more
At the end of July 2010, it was confirmed by the Transport Secretary Philip Hammond that from January 2011 motorists will receive up to £5,000 towards the purchase of an ultra-low carbon car. The initiative is open to both fleet and private...more
Around 20 years ago, a game came out on the popular gaming platforms of the time, called Sensible Soccer. That name could be applied, now, to the football insurance policies promoted by sports insurance legends Lockton Sports, who have been providing...more
You have moved to your new apartment home recently and to your bad luck your personal valuable possessions go missing as there is a house break, what do you do and how do you recover the loss? The landloard insurance policy only covers the property...more