Mapping your customers journey, moments of truth and the experience is essential. To innovate, ideate and create profitably across every delivery channel. While, it is important to focus on all touch points related to attraction, interaction, and cultivation phases in a customer lifecycle, it is realistically restricting given cost and profitability constraints. Segmenting your customers, looking at silver, gold and platinum, lifetime...more
You might have heard that many students forgo going to college and what they do is they benefit from taking all the college courses online to complete their degree. There could be any number of reasons for this. For example, the most common is that some people have work to do and they cannot afford to leave their jobs. Similarly, some people have family issues. The time when people used to think of online courses as inferior is past owing to the...more
In todays fast paced life with industry and road use on the increase noise pollution can be a major problem. According to medical experts noise, either continuous or for short bursts over a length of time can be severely detrimental to your health. Hearing is the most obvious one, what we dont realise is some hearing damage is irreparable, and really effects your quality of life, noise pollution is also known to increase blood pressure and we all know how serious a condition this can be! Sleep deprivation is one of the effects that can affect your over all well being both mentally and physically increasing stress levels as well as a constant feeling of fatigue. This is only a small percentage of the really serious detrimental effects that noise pollution has on our lives which should help you understand the importance of sound proofing.A Quieter Life Ltd are market leaders in the service of sound proofing London who really understand how important sound proofing is. We are passionate about our work and are determined to uphold the fabulous reputation we have gained as well as restoring peace and harmony to your property and regaining that element of peace you deserve. Whether it is...more
Canadians are generous individuals who have a special consciousness of these much less fortunate. Charitable organizations exist to carry out numerous missions. Funds wanted to meet the needs of persons are donated by many various avenues. Donations of life insurance proceeds provide various tax advantages to the donor while funding main tasks for...more
A hearing aid is an electronic device with a small microphone that makes sounds louder. A hearing impairment or hearing aids is anything that causes us to not hear in a fully functioning way. Hearing impaired Devices like phones that make it possible for people who suffer from moderate to severe hearing loss to overcome communication barriers. Many...more
Every so often, I come across people who want to lie on their life insurance application because they know that a certain lifestyle habit or condition will cause their application to be denied, or result in high life insurance rates. Dont do it. If youre thinking of doing it or have known buddies who have gotten away with it, you should know that you have other legitimate, safer options to get away with high risk habits or choices than lying on a legal document. Some like to argue the fact that insurance companies make millions on helpless consumers who may pay for many years into a policy and never draw on benefits. While life insurance is a service, it is also a business, which means that life insurance companies will go the extra mile to prove that you did something you were not supposed to and therefore cannot collect the claim you deserve. Lying could cost you your life, insurance that is, and its just not worth the risk.Be Aware of the Incontestability ClauseAlmost all life insurance contracts in the United States and Canada have a legal provision that protect the insurer during the first two years of the policy being in force. Called the two-year incontestability clause,...more
Life insurance scams come in all shapes and sizes. They can be hidden in the most innocuous places, or shout at you from bright blinking Internet advertisements. Here are some glaring pointers that should let you know right away that you are or...more
Almost everything that we eat is broken down for energy and growth into glucose. This makes the hexose sugar an important energy source in the human body without which survival will be impossible. However, too much of something is rarely good!...more
Congratulations on your first child! You have just crossed over into a new dimension in your life, an expansion of your family that will redefine everything youve known and expected, and a new direction that will test and prove your love, patience...more
Getting quotes is the first step in buying a life insurance policy, and this process can be a little bit confusing for the average person. When you look at a quote, it could be made up of several different charges and fees that do not make sense. If...more
Buying a life insurance policy is a step in the right direction when trying to get your financial affairs in order. If you are in the process of shopping around for a life insurance policy, there are more than 1,000 insurance companies to choose...more
Trying to make decisions after losing a husband can be painful, confusing and tough. Because of severe emotional strain, the sheer volume of tasks that now face you, ranging from financial decisions on investment, tax and estate planning to your own...more