Life insurance & economic development: The growth nexus By Sandeep Bakhshi – The author is managing director & CEO of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Co. Since its privatisation, the life insurance industry in the country has made rapid strides as a key contributor for economic development of the nation. Investments in core areas are crucial and these investments are generated out of longterm savings of the people,...more
The Secret to Unleashing The Infinite, Creative, and Limitless Power of Spirit In Your Life What would you say if I told you that within you lies an infinite, creative, and limitless power? What would you do if you knew that you could easily access this power through focused meditation, the use of affirmations and denials, and living a life of service and charity? And further, how do you think your life would change if you began...more
Best Ways to Sell Life Insurance Policy There are times when it might be necessary to sell life insurance policy to make money. This needs to be done right if you want to be successful by following the simple guide below. The first and most important thing that one needs to do is gather all the information needed on the cover they are dealing with as it is not possible to trade something you are not sure about. This involves lot of research to know all the elements it entails as well as the advantages associated with it. One also needs to anticipate the questions that potential customers may ask to have ready answers as this might increase their chances of purchasing the cover.Next, one needs to find the people who need it. Your friends and family come in handy at this point as they can help you find the leads you are looking for. This is not the time to select the people to talk to as you are supposed to sharpen your interpersonal and social skills to interact with as many people as you can as this is the only way you will meet customers. One can also advertise the cover online to penetrate the international markets and increase sales.Before you go ahead and sell...more
Getting Licensed To Sell Life Insurance Policy Many professions are currently flooded with fake experts who are not adequately trained and lack the competence to do their work effectively. Equally, the insurance industry is under threats of experiencing the same problem owing to the establishment of many companies thus you have to be...more
How to Sell Life insurance Policy Successfully? There are different ways that a person can use to make money and one of the most lucrative methods is by trading cover for money to people who need protection against future uncertainties. There are different types of cover that one can handle where you can sell life insurance policy to...more
The Natural Flow of Life… and Death We grow up with the conventional thinking that we will become adults and our parents will grow old and die before we do. Furthermore, our children will grow up to be adults and we will predecease them in old age.Fortunately for most, the flow of life and death follows that pattern. But for some, the sequence and timing get messed up and it takes an emotional and behavioral toll. Sometimes our parents die prematurely. Sometimes our kids don't make it to adulthood, or they reach adulthood, but die while we are still in midlife…I had a great dad. But when I was six, his work took him to northern Canada. He was killed in an air crash two years later on the way home. I was eight. My mother was an amazing mother, but she died in a car crash when she tangled with a drinking driver. I was sixteen.Of course these losses were hard, but life went on, I married and had two children. For the first few years I was a great father. It seemed so natural. However, when my son passed six years old, I began to feel bewildered about how to be a father. Nothing was coming to me instinctively anymore.Later as I looked back, I realized that I was...more
How Important is Long Term Care Insurance for Retirement? Although many people neglect the need for long term care insurance, they must be aware of the benefits it provide, considering the sky-rocketing costs of care throughout the...more
Comparing Various Long Term Care Insurance Policies Consumers are often confused when shopping for long term care insurance. Although they are already aware this insurance is crucial to securing their health during retirement, they...more
Note The Life Insurance Quotes Online In A Few Seconds The term life insurance cost is a valid investment. Most times in life, beginnings are always small. So it is upto you to decide the coverage amount and know your family will be...more
Instant Term Life Insurance Quotes Will Save Lot Of Your Time Like the waves in the sea; the expenses in our life are relentless. They will continue to exist and increase as our lifestyle and needs increase. Hence, it is important to...more
Life Insurance Options In Life Insurance No Exam is Simply Superb Cheap term life insurance will not hold you on your funds. You would want to give your best to your family all the time. Don't you? Don't you want your daughter to take...more
Stay Convinced About Insurance With Life Insurance No Exam Life insurance quotes are not costly at all. You don't need to fill in a huge form or answer lot of questions or wait for your insurance to be given to you. There are insurance...more