Interested in learning how to reduce development time, save money and stay in control? Business professionals can learn how to create well-defined processes with the easy-to-manage Process Approach of Plan-Do-Check-Act.Real Tools for Real Business ProcessIn MBA courses, students come across a lot of buzzwords and the theories behind them. And in the textbook, the terms look and sound great. But after they finish with their classes, they think to...more
The long term benefits from pay per click advertising.Businesses are starting to look closely at the long-term benefits from pay per click advertising. Pay per click search engines are primarily used for sales in the now time frame, but they are also being used to build a business identity that their customers will remember. This form of brand awareness can be applied to a company of any size, large or small. If you take a look at a traditional...more
Every business needs money at one time or another. The process of obtaining financing can be daunting and the chances of success limited if it is approached in a disorganized or haphazard way. Lenders are conservative critters; however it is important to understand that it is their job to lend money, and they are happy to do so if their risk is reasonable. The chances of obtaining a business loan are greatly enhanced if you adhere to the following procedure.KNOW WHAT YOU NEEDUnderstand how you intend to use business financing, how much funding you need and how you intend to repay the loan. Be able to communicate this clearly and confidently with prospective lenders. UNDERSTAND YOUR CURRENT SITUATIONIf you are an existing business, are you profitable, and does your balance sheet have positive equity? What does your credit look like? Have a clear understanding of any existing liens and lien priority. Know your credit score and answers to derogatory credit issues (liens, judgments, slow pays, collection actions) before presenting your application. If there have been credit, profitability or equity issues in the past, present a credible argument as to why these issues have been...more
Sound financial business planning means taking ongoing assessment steps looking at the business from multiple perspectives including capitalization, expansion, menu concepts, cash flow and even an exit strategy. Whether you are a chef dreaming of your own restaurant, the head of a family business discussing succession, an independent considering...more
So you want to open a restaurant? Many people come to me with their plans, and ideas after they have decided to build or open a restaurant. It is my responsibility to assist them in their planning process and determine how clearly they have thought their concept through. I ask them to show me a menu, and if their initial response is "I haven't...more
Continuing from the second article:6. About the aground mathematical model, let us to see the product k: First quantity received in 10/6/98, quantity 1,000, unit cost US$ 34.00. Second in 12/11/98, quantity 1,300, unit cost US$ 23.00 Third in 1/10/99, quantity 760, unit cost US$ 36.00Therefore, if not been sold we would have 3,060 units in stock today. But you sold - in several opportunities - a total of 1,300 units, and our current total stock is of 1,760 units. We also have the data of those sales, besides its responsible salesman.The question is: Because today is 1/11/99, about the product k what quantity should be consider as aground and therefore with a differentiated treatment in prices and sales conditions and also in marketing, in order to sell your balance in stock?7. To establish the definitive aground formula that will be created - in Notes - and the new Views automatically computed, for example View 1 - column - reduced sales price, if sold in the next 15 days View 2 - column - same, for next month.Remember that those information are practically online, and they can be visualized in every terminal of the company at local or regional or national or international...more
The Shadow knows. There used to be a radio program called The Shadow where the hero, Lamont Cranston, the Shadow, would overcome the shadowy forces of doom by clouding the vision of those around him. "Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men"...more
People will always stress that having a well researched business plan is key before you start your business. Although creating a business plan is often an important step in the evolution of a business, particularly if you need financing or you are...more
The choice of financing is an important determinant of whether a product reaches the market, or whether an existing business can survive. The choice of financing is an important part of being an entrepreneur and business owner, and the ability to...more
What is a balance transfer ?A balance transfer can be explained simply as a balance transfer! When a balance is transferred usually from a credit card, but possible from a bank account or loan to a credit card with a offer interest rate (usually 0%)...more
Just a few years ago, when one thought of a home-based sales business, Tupperware, Avon and a host of multi-level marketing schemes might have come to mind. Today, however, changing market conditions and evolving consumer habits have converged to...more
What do your customers say about your company? Would you let your major competitor control your sales strategy?Public relations is an inevitable consequence of being in business. Whether you like it or not, your corporate image evolves with every...more