Author: Ursa A. PRECANCEROUS STATE - PAP SMEAR Cervical Cancer Vaccine Gardasil We will discuss the precancerous stage of cervix cancer. What is the Cervix? The cervix is the part of the uterus that connects the upper part of the uterus (the womb) and vagina. What is Cancer? Cancer develops when cells in an area of the body grows abnormally. The body cells growth is normally controlled and limited to particular area. Cancer cell growth, if not...more
I was asked once by a friend about what I know about adult breast feeding - and I was caught unawares. I thought to myself, 'I have read about a lot of things in my 40 years of life - how come I have never really heard about it before'? My curiosity taking the lead, I looked around and found a number of interesting facts about why adults breast feed, which I would like to share with you through this article.Is It A Sexual Perversion?On checking...more
People in the past have always eaten mostly raw, natural and organic food which is an entirely different dietary concept than we have today. Most of the food we buy these days has been processed and in the course of processing many of the nutrients that keep us healthy, have been lost due to processing. One such nutrient is the phytonutrients, also called phytochemicals only recently discovered in the early 90s and found to be beneficial in keeping us both cancer free and even reversing cancer.Once we thought that vitamins and minerals were all the nutrients necessary to keep us healthy but we now know there are other nutrients, essential for optimal health and they are phytonutrients. It is these powerful nutrients that give fruit and vegetables their many colors and also provide us with Mother Natures medicine.These chemical compounds occur naturally in plants, their role is to protect them from diseases, injury and damage from insects. They form part of the plants immune system. Its these same phytonutrients that have been found to have cancer fighting properties which help us not only to stay cancer free but to help us overcome cancer as well.The different color...more
Joint pain treatment should take into consideration what is causing the pain in the first place. There is no use in only treating the symptom because it will occur again unless the underlying cause is eliminated. It can be caused by a lot of things, from minor sport injuries to serious medical conditions. A significant number of those that accuse...more
In all such conditions the pre-invasive diseases must be well managed to control any malignant spread in the gynecological sense and breast cancers. It is paramount that your chosen physician in the gynecological and cancer treatment field is considerate with your knowledge or the lack of it and explains all problems or treatments in an...more
3 Things You Can Do to Support Breast CancerThese three things are just a start. However, once you start you will find that it starts spiraling from there. My friends and family are always telling me of ways they have found to support breast cancer. Soon you too will find new ways. It just has to start somewhere.more
Patients are guaranteed about pancreatic cancer treatment in India are done at some of the best cancer and oncology hospitals under some of the best and experienced team of cancer doctors and surgeons. Pancreatic cancer is said to be the...more
Ever day-dream about how you could possibly get bulging disc treatment? That thought has occurred to many people. A few of them actually acted on that thought. For most it is just a passing speculation, not a serious thought, and so they just dismiss...more
There are times when colon cancers bleed. In certain cases, the blood might be visible in the stool. When the cancer is near the rectum, the blood may even surface as bright red. Regardless of whether the blood cannot be seen, it may nonetheless be...more
Multiplications can be fatalMachines becoming self-conscious, multiplying beyond human control, and eventually declaring war against humanity is a popular theme for science fiction stories and films. Human population multiplying at an unsustainable...more
12 Million Jury Award For Patient When Doctors Misdiagnosed Her Breast Cancer The mammogram is a primary tool available to physicians to find a female patient's breast cancer while it is still in the early stages, thus saving the lives of...more
3 Easy Teeth Grinding Treatments If you are look for teeth grinding treatments, you will at least be aware that you suffer from the condition. It can take a really long time for some people to figure out that they are hurting themselves this...more