Epidermolysis bullosa is a genetic disorder, which causes the skin to become extremely fragile. The skin is so delicate that even if you scratch or rub it, it will cause blisters and/or painful sores. This disease is usually inherited and can be severe in infants when handled or even held. The unfortunate part is that there is no cure for this condition. Any person can get epidermolysis bullosa, but usually they appear in infants or...more
Most people are unaware of the water they are drinking even if it is bottled water, could be effecting your health negatively. Less than 1% of the world's water is actually drinkable, and the rest is treated through public city systems or well water treatment systems.The problem with these water systems is that they only treat part of the problem. The city systems, dose the water with chlorine, so you are drinking chlorinated water. This does not...more
BOTOX treatment is a revolutionary approach to making one look younger within no time. BOTOX treatment can make wrinkles and frown lines disappear easily without the need of invasive procedures. The procedure is safe and effective with long-lasting results.BOTOX Treatment ExplainedBOTOX treatment consists of injections with BOTOX made of Botulinum Toxin, which is a purified protein. The injections are administered into the muscles of the treated area. The protein reduces the ability of movement of the targeted muscles, reducing the lines that appear during facial expressions, giving the area a smooth look and feel. This treatment is effective on frown lines, lines of the forehead, brows, neck, around the mouth and eyes (crow's feet). BOTOX is used for treating other medical conditions as well and is not restricted to wrinkle treatment alone.BOTOX Procedure and Its Aftermath The treating physician can perform the procedure in his/her clinic. This is a lunch break treatment and one can resume normal activities as soon as the treatment is over. No anesthesia or hospitalization is required and the patient can resume his normal activities afterwards. Slight redness may be...more
Going through menopause is bad enough; the symptoms can be devastating as most women will attest. But if you are taking hormones prescribed by your doctor, are you also worried about ovarian cancer? Perhaps you may want to find out the facts, and take steps to avoid this dreaded affliction that will strike over 22,000 women in the U.S. this year...more
Why is it that modern medicine seems to have so many answers to so many questions, and yet we still keep getting sick? This may be an oversimplification, but part of it may be that our so-called modern medical treatment and care in this country treats more of the symptoms than the whole person. Treating the person in his or her entirety is...more
The global cancer biomarkers market for 2007 was estimated to be $3.6 billion and is expected to grow at a CAGR (Compounded Annual Growth Rate) of 6.3% to reach $6.3 billion by 2016. This growth is primarily attributed to the rise in the number of biomarker tests in the cancer types such as cervical cancer, NSCLC (non-small cell lung cancer), breast cancer, gastric cancer, head cancer, colon cancer and many others that will be launched in the next few years. These will contribute significantly to market revenues. In addition, the support from regulatory bodies such as the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and various government initiatives will also drive up the investment in biomarkers, which will result in the discovery of improved tumor markers. In the future, the growth of personalized medicines and the strong support from regulatory agencies such as the FDA will be the two major factors that will drive the demand for biomarkers, particularly in cancer research. Personalized medicines are gaining popularity due to their ability to provide customized treatment to patients based on their genetic as well as medical profile. Since biomarkers help in predicting...more
You must have heard the saying that "eyes speak a lot". Your eyes give the complete reflection of what you think, what you feel and also about your health enough to make a person form opinion about you. So it is necessary to keep your...more
Acupuncture is a very old and popular technique from traditional Chinese medicines. It is very ancient and since then practiced to cure various diseases in patients. This technique due to its popularity has spread all over the world....more
From ancient times, our gurus and sadhus have focused on the breath as the solution of all problems in the body. Breath is a way through air enters in our body. This air reaches to each and every tissues of our body so if we will...more
Microtia is the medical term for deformed or underdeveloped ears. It is a congenital condition where the external ear (pinna) do not develop fully. It can be psychologically traumatic for children and they may find it difficult to deal with the...more
Acupuncture is a form of traditional Chinese medicine that employs the use of special hair-thin needles that are inserted just below the skin at strategic points in the body known as acupuncture points. This helps in regulating the flow of energy,...more
A lot of men are looking for an effective premature ejaculation treatment for the simple reason that they can have a much better sexual experience with their partners. The truth is that there are huge numbers of men that are affected...more