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Exposed Workers With Mesothelioma Can Have A Significantly Higher Content Of Asbestos Fibre In The L

One interesting study is called, Asbestos-induced lung inflammation by Marek Rola-Pleszczynski, Sylvie Gouin and Raymond Bgin - Inflammation Volume 8, Number 1, 53-62. Here is an excerpt: Abstract - In a recently developed sheep model of progressive low-dose pulmonary exposure to asbestos, initial alveolar lymphocyte and macrophage activation was followed by pulmonary neutrophilia in higher-dose exposed animals. This was observed after 18 months...more

Naval Shipyard Workers Smoking And The Mesothelioma Plague Affects Us All

One interesting study is called, Asbestos exposure enhances the release of fibroblast growth factor by sheep alveolar macrophages. By Lemaire I, Rola-Pleszczynski M, Bgin R. - J Reticuloendothel Soc. 1983 Apr;33(4):275-85. Here is an excerpt: Abstract - Interaction between free airway cells (FAC) and lung fibroblasts was studied in a sheep model of asbestosis. Three groups of six sheep each received, respectively, by repeated intratracheal...more

Louisiana Asbestos Cement Workers And Mortality Rates

One interesting study is called, Histologic type of lung cancer and asbestos exposure by Oscar Auerbach MD, Lawrence Garfinkel MA, Verta R. Parks BS, Alfred S. Conston MD, Vincent A. Galdi MD, Lou Jouberti,- Cancer Volume 54, Issue 12, pages 30173021, 15 December 1984. Here is an excerpt: Abstract - The histologic types of lung cancer in 855 patients (747 men and 107 women) from three hospitals and one international study of insulation workers were evaluated. Of these, 196 cases had asbestos exposure. About one half of the cases were diagnosed from surgical slides and one half from autopsy slides. Squamous cell carcinoma constituted the largest percentage of tumor types and was found with the same frequency in exposed and nonexposed groups. Small cell carcinoma was found in 25% of the exposed and in 15% of the nonexposed patients. Upper lung sites were involved in about two thirds of the cases with asbestos exposure and lower lobes in the other one third. There was little difference in histologic type in cases regardless of whether upper or lower lobes were involved. Cigarette smokers who smoked until their cancer diagnosis showed no difference in histologic type by amount smoked,...more

What Precisely Is The Most Crucial 1st Measure In Obtaining Alcohol Rehab Treatment

No matter how hopeless you view your situation to be, drug dependancy might be handled using the right drug treatment and help. Recovering from drug abuse may be hard as well as time-consuming but living a life free in the bondage of illegitimate drugs can be worth all the time, effort and sacrifices. During the course of healing...more

Hectic fever and Unani Treatment

Hectic fever is remittent, dependent upon local irritation, and rarely, if ever, idiopathic. It is attended by great and increasing debility, a weak, quick pulse, hurried respiration on any exertion, and increased heat of the skin. The febrile exacerbations are preceded by a slight chill, are slight at first, but soon become more...more

What Are The Most Popular Day Spa Treatments

Finding a day spa in Perth WA might be the ultimate way to cap off that holiday, or even recharge your batteries if you live in that hot, dry state. There are many different options you can choose when attending a day spa. From facials to whole body treatments and from manicures to pedicures there is sure to be something to suit.Certain treatments seem to rise to the top in the popularity stakes, whether that is because they address issues that are common to us all, or whether it is because we all have similar needs who can tell? So long as you enjoy your treatment it does not matter what kind it is. However, if you need to make a decision here are a few treatments to choose from.*    Massages top the list, perhaps because there are so many different kinds. You can get a deep massage from a professional to ease those aching joints and muscle spasms, or you can get a light aromatherapy massage designed to refresh and relax you. *    Classic facials are also popular day spa treatments. They are designed to heal or alleviate the problems that everyday living gives us. Stress creates tension while wrinkles, pollutants and even air-conditioning damage and dry our...more

Chemicals In Water Supply Near Chicago Linked To Cancer

Every day we use our household water to drink, wash dishes, water plants and bath. We pay taxes to ensure that this water supply provides us with enough water for our needs and to make sure that it is safe for our consumption. But what if our...more

Exciting Window Treatments With Etched Glass Window Film

You probably think it will cost a fortune to get the great look of etched glass. In reality you can decorate glass doors and windows with good looking, reasonably priced etched glass window film. It is not hard to apply and will last on windows for...more

Treatment for You to Say Goodbye to Dark Eyes Circles

There are a number of things nowadays that have made the old ones obsolete and most likely led us to totally forget those things we've used in the past. From old phones - which we use to dial and wait for awhile before we can dial...more

Male Breast cancer causes and risk factors | Herbal ayurveda remedies with no side effects

Breast cancer in maleMale breast cancer cases contributed to 2.77 % of all breast cancer cases in the country according to the 'Consolidated Report of Population Based Cancer Registries' by Indian Council of Medical Research.Like breast...more

Cancer and The Myopic Vortex

Cancer seems to touch many lives. When a diagnosis is given to a patient and family it very often rocks their world.  Life makes a dramatic change, and includes new people, experiences and expenses.  This is not an easy time, and only...more

How to Prevent Skin Cancer

Skin cancer could possibly be probably the most common type of cancer there is, however it could be among the probably the most treatable. there are numerous different components that contribute in the direction of growth of epidermis...more
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