Exciting Window Treatments With Etched Glass Window Film
You probably think it will cost a fortune to get the great look of etched glass
. In reality you can decorate glass doors and windows with good looking, reasonably priced etched glass window film. It is not hard to apply and will last on windows for years, which makes it economical. You can select from several styles and designs and choose what ever level of privacy you desire.
For years it seems as though there were very little choices for window treatments and people were kind of restricted to blinds, shutters or curtains. Glass film now offers great new choices to give homeowners more variety. Window film can be purchased in stained glass, frosted, glacial and etched designs.
Window films in etched style designs add shine and sparkle just like any real glass. There are so many styles and designs to choose from decorating a room is fun and easy. You can choose from ornamental, nature, abstract, geometric, traditional and contemporary designs.
Select the best size for your windows and if desired cut them to fit any size window or style. Change the appearance and the view when you install a beautiful etched design. Inside and out can have a whole new dimension. Adjust the amount of sunlight coming into any room by selecting different patterns until you have the right choice. Reduce electric bills with just the right window design.
It is amazing how the addition of film on windows can make a dramatic change in the decor of an entire room. If a room is decorated with a specific theme it can be carried through to any window using your choice of designs. For instance, a mountain theme of pine trees and flowers or a tropical look of a sunset and palm trees could be used as etched glass designs with very little effort and great results.
Get creative and experiment. Pick out a theme or design from furniture in the entryway to your home and carry it through to those hard to cover entry way windows. Pick a cute pattern for any bathroom window and liven up the room. Add privacy to clear shower enclosures with a touch of style. Transfer the kitchen theme to windows and still get plenty of sunshine.
In addition to limiting sunlight, some etched glass window film will provide protection against ultraviolet rays and prevents interior furnishings from fading.
by: Randy Walker.
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