AC Asbestos Cement sheets pose a high health risk when they are in poor condition, broken, damaged or unpainted.If your home is more than 25 years old it is likely that your home contains asbestos cement sheeting, commonly referred to as fibro.-You can find asbestos cement sheeting in your external walls, eaves & roof-Internally majority of bathroom & laundry walls are also lined with asbestos cement sheeting. Other walls may also...more
Cancer is a basic disease in the world nowadays. It eventually affects all human beings. We can easily get cancer by ourselves or devastated from others. Yet, we can do something to lessen the risk of getting cancer.1. No SmokingAs we all know, the top cause of cancer is smoking. Smoking can easily increase the chances of getting cancer. Therefore, it is recommended not to consume cigarettes. If you do, please stop it now. You may...more
More and more people are turning to the Bemer 3000 for therapy that is non-invasive, easy to use and has absolutely no side effects. This is achieved through the electro-magnetic field therapy that is supplied by the Bemer Lodge 3000.Results from studies and valid anecdotal evidence have provided a picture which is that of remarkable success. This means that after using the Bemer for a period of time the patient is either complaint-free or has had dramatic improvement in their condition. The Bemer 3000 therapy has achieved an amazing success rate of 70 percent - 90 percent which is for a daily treatment over a period of 4 -- 52 week. These include a large diversity of chronic ailments that have not been responding to the conventional medical treatment. This means that anyone who suffers from any of these ailments now has great news and a solution. Such ailments include wounds, fractures and other bone injuries, muscle, tissue damage and post operative trauma.Each and every disease starts with an energy deficiency in your cells. As we live under the influence of the earth natural electro-magnetic field, it shields us from harmful rays such as gamma rays that come from...more
Are you looking for an eye stye treatment that will be fast acting and take away the pain and the nasty blemish that is a stye?Styes are one of the nastiest and most painful eye conditions. You will have a disgusting looking and very painful sore appear on or around your eye lid and be in serious discomfort.And the worst part is that...more
When you have fungal infection the nail becomes thickened or discolored and the nail can turn yellow, brown, green, white or black in color. Due to lack of effective and safe treatment many people delay in treatment of the nail fungus. It is always better to treat infection on time as there are chances of the fungus to affect other nails or...more
When considering an asbestos removal project there are a number of considerations. These regulatory issues are detailed below. The revised asbestos Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations 20026 requires that before any work is carried out with asbestos, a written assessment including risk assessment (method statement) should be prepared and a copy held on site. The assessment should include the following:- Type of WorkType of asbestos or the assumption that it is (blue) crocidolite or (brown) amositeDetails of expected exposure to the workers and whether the control limit or action limit is likely to be exceeded. For work other than with asbestos cement externally it should be assumed, until proven otherwise, that the control limit will be exceeded.Respiratory protective equipment (RPE) to be used.Steps to control exposure and release of asbestos to the general environment.Procedures for provision and use of RPEProcedures for removal of waste from the areaEmergency procedures - full site specific safety plan. It is particularly important that the asbestos removals work is strictly segregated from other works on site and, as far as possible, all asbestos materials...more
Many people want to have bright and light sparkling white teeth. However, to have a brilliant smile with shiny teeth, you need to spend lots of money on teeth whitening products. And, teeth bleaching are just one of the few teeth whitening...more
The amount of oil that your skin produces is the main basis that helps to identify your skin type. Respective face treatments can be followed to keep your face healthy and fresh. In case you have a dry face, anti-aging and anti-wrinkle creams should...more
Sourcing the best bed bug treatment may not be as easy as you think. For a start there are now hundreds if not thousands of products on the market all claiming to rid you of your infestation in the blink of an eye. However, the sad fact...more
There are various disorders which predominantly affect the life of a person. There are various reasons a person suffers from the eating disorder. One very prominent of them is the stress. People may not be able to deal with the stresses...more
premature ejaculation: masturbationMasturbatory patterns are a form of learned behavior that often need to be unlearned. Most guys have a fast-track orgasm approach to masturbation. Whether it's because mom always knew the worst...more
Drinking purified water is very essential for a safe and secured health and there are many water treatment devices available in the market to improve drinking water quality. But the decision as to which device is suitable for your house...more