Through the years, there have been a number of studies done attempting to determine if there's a link between the amount of coffee, tea or soft drinks you consume and your chances of getting colon cancerBut it appears that part of the question has been put to rest - at least for a while. The news is positive for coffee and tea drinkers, and uncertain for those who love sugary sodas.A team from Harvard School of Public Health poured over about a...more
Mesothelioma deaths among workers is a sad part of this countrys history. However, there is some important research being done regarding asbestos and its complications. One interesting study is called, Asbestos-induced sister chromatid exchanges in cultured Chinese hamster ovarian fibroblast cells. By Livingston GK, Rom WN, Morris MV. - J Environ Pathol Toxicol. 1980 Sep;4(2-3):373-82. Here is an excerpt: Abstract - Asbestos fibers were tested...more
Asbestos exposure has been deadly to many people in the past decades. There is a mountain of important literature and research done on this area. One interesting study is called, Mortality from lung cancer and population risk attributable to asbestos in an asbestos cement manufacturing town in Italy. By C Magnani, M Leporati - Occup Environ Med 1998;55:111-114. Here is an excerpt: Abstract - OBJECTIVE: To estimate mortality from lung cancer and the risk attributable to asbestos separately for asbestos cement workers and for the general (non-occupationally exposed) population in the town of Casale Monferrato, where the largest Italian asbestos cement factory had been in operation in 1907-86. According to cancer registry data, in the same town the incidence of malignant mesothelioma in the general population is about 10 times higher than in comparable Italian provinces. METHOD: Decedents from lung cancer in 1989-95 were nominally identified in the list of decedents kept at the Local Health Authority of Casale Monferrato. Workers in the asbestos cement factory have been identified with a search in the nominal list of workers and the same was done for the wives of asbestos cement...more
Who can argue with the facts, exposure to hazardous asbestos can be fatal. Serious doctors have reached a consensus thanks in large part to the myriad of studies researching Mesothelioma and its causes. One interesting study is called, Ecological Relationship between Mesothelioma Incidence/Mortality and Asbestos Consumption in Ten Western...more
Disease development among people exposed to hazardous asbestos has been carefully studied over the years. One interesting study is called, Squamous metaplasia of the respiratory tract. Possible pathogenic role in asbestos-associated bronchogenic carcinoma. By Woodworth CD, Mossman BT, Craighead JE - Lab Invest. 1983 May;48(5):578-84. Here is an...more
Mania: An abnormally elevated mood state characterized by such symptoms as inappropriate elation, increased irritability, severe insomnia, grandiose notions, increased speed and/or volume of speech, disconnected and racing thoughts, increased sexual desire, markedly increased energy and activity level, poor judgment, and inappropriate social behavior. A mild form in mania that does not require hospitalization is termed hypomania.manic symptoms include irritability, anger, delusions, hypersensitivity, hypersexuality, hyperactivity, impulsiveness, pressure to keep talking, rapid speech and grandios ideas and plans, decreased need for sleep. In manic and hypomanic cases the affected person may engage in out of character behavior such as questionable business transactions, wasteful expenditures of money, risky sexual activity, abnormal sexual interactions or highly vocal arguments uncharacteristic of previous behaviors. these behaviors increase stress in personal relationship, problems at work and increases the risk of altercation with law enforcement as well as being at high risk of impulsively talking part in activities potentially harmful to self and others.There are...more
A better understanding of asbestos disease such as Mesothelioma is required if we are ever going to make progress in the search for a cure. One interesting study is called, Asbestos fibers and pleural plaques in a general autopsy population. By A....more
Asbestos seems to have high potency in the carcinogenesis of lung cancer and low potency in carcinogenesis of Mesothelioma. One interesting study is called, Asbestos and cigarette smoke cause increased DNA strand breaks and necrosis in bronchiolar...more
Asbestos workers have been plagued with mesothelioma and other diseases for some time now, and continued vigilance is required if we are ever to solve this problem. One interesting study is called, 'B-Readers' and Asbestos Medical Surveillance by...more
Do you want to try natural colon cleansing? Perhaps you've heard about its ability as a constipation treatment, or maybe you just want something to help you lose several pounds. Either way, you will need to learn something about it before you try...more
Cancer is only a physical symptom of underlying emotional stress on the body and the body's cells. But how does emotional stress cause cancer in the body? And why does emotional stress only cause cancer in some people, while not in others?For the...more
1 with the illnesses that guys over 40 may possibly get is Prostate Cancer. Some guys think that they'll not be affected by the disorder but in reality, Prostate Cancer is actually the most typical cause of death of males over 75 years old. There...more