Are you the particular type of particular person who is actually really aware by their own look? Or perhaps are you one of those people that do not really really feel at ease with the existence of a solitary black blemish or pimple damaged spot on their facial area? Quite a few utilizes skin whiteners in order to get free of this particular issue. However, along with the plenty of skin whiteners within the marketplace, which one particular must...more
Do you suffer from dry skin? The chances that you do are not as remote as some people think. Hundreds of millions of people worldwide currently suffer from the condition. Also contrary to what many people think, it is a condition that is usually easily treated.Symptoms vary in each individual and range from a mild, itchy inconvenience to an unsightly and painful chronic condition. In extreme cases the skin can become raw with open wounds...more
Cancer is a disease that causes cells to divide uncontrollably and even attack surrounding cells. Cancer cells are capable of spreading from the site of origin to other parts of the body via the blood and lymph system. Cancerous cells grow and multiply to form tumors. All tumors are not strong enough to spread to other parts of the body. The ones capable of spreading are called malignant cancers. Some cancers like leukemia do not form tumors. Cancer doctors treat malignant tumors as soon as they are detected, else they can prove to be lethal. Though the various cancer names stem from the site of origin, cancer doctors classify cancers in a different manner. Carcinoma is a cancer of skin or tissues lining or covering the internal organs. Sarcoma is the cancer of bone, fat, cartilage, blood vessels or connective tissue, whereas leukemia is the cancer of blood forming tissue. Lymphoma is the cancer that begins in the immune system and cancer that begins in the brain and spinal cord tissues is central nervous system cancer. CausesSmoking, though not the only cause, is definitely related to cancer of lungs, mouth, throat, bladder and kidney. Too much sun exposure and exposure to...more
Cancer is so unpredictable and so uncanny that it can be lurking in your body for a very long time without you having any knowledge about its existence at all. It lays dormant inside your body for a long time until it has reached a stage where the first symptoms starts showing up. During this entire period, the cancerous cell very...more
What is a microRNA?According to the current convention, a miRNA is defined as a ssRNA of ~22 nucleotides in length, which is generated by the RNase-III-type enzyme Dicer from an endogenous transcript that contains a local hairpin structure.MicroRNAs and cancer Three important observations early in the history of miRNAs suggested a...more
The diseased definedMesothelium is the protective tissue that covers the chest cavity, abdominal cavity and the cavity around the heart and also produces a special lubricating fluid that allows the internal organs of the body to move around. Malignant Mesothelioma can be defined as the cancer of the mesothelial cells which become abnormal and start dividing without any order. Majority of the mesothelioma patients have a prior history of exposure to asbestos.Types of malignant MesotheliomaMalignant Mesothelioma or simply Mesothelioma can be divided into 3 main types namely - Epithelioid - Sarcomatoid - Mixed/biphasicOf these, Epithelioid is the most common (50% to 70% cases) and stands the best chance of recovery. Sarcomatoid type is seen in 7% to 20% cases whereas mixed/biphasic type is seen in 20% to 35% cases.Approximately, of the total cases of Mesothelioma originates in the chest cavity (pleura) and is known as pleural mesothelioma. The cancer affecting the lining of the abdomen (peritoneum) is called the peritoneal mesothelioma and that affecting the "sac like" space around the heart (pericardial cavity) is called the pericardial mesothelioma. Mesothelioma at times also...more
Mouth and throat are made up of many kinds of cells like all organs of the body. Cells normally divide in an orderly way to produce more cells only when the body needs them. This process helps keep the body healthy. Cells that divides when new cells...more
If you or someone you love is suffering from mesothelioma, want to get relieve of it here is the accurate way. Have you lost hope of getting cured with it. Don't get disheartened here we prop up you and treat with the natural supplements with no side...more
Treatments of PilesThis article talks about the best treatment for piles? If you are looking for an easy to apply method which you can use for your piles problem, this article is what you need. Read it to discover the scientifically...more
Cancer need not be a ‘dreaded' word. Given the right education, right measures and sufficient resources, almost 50 per cent of cancer cases can be prevented.A significant advancement in oncology is the better understanding of the...more
Eye care has advanced so much with time and you will some of the most developed means of eye treatments that would seem like a boon to all those for whom eye problems have always been their life partners. One of the major breakthroughs in the field...more
Omental Torsion treatment in India has thrived due to a large rush of foreign patients coming from all the nook and corner of the world. It has been delivered through world class quality. Indian doctors dealing with Omental Torsion treatment in...more