Cancer - Causes, Prevention And Treatment
Cancer is a disease that causes cells to divide uncontrollably and even attack surrounding cells
. Cancer cells are capable of spreading from the site of origin to other parts of the body via the blood and lymph system.
Cancerous cells grow and multiply to form tumors. All tumors are not strong enough to spread to other parts of the body. The ones capable of spreading are called malignant cancers. Some cancers like leukemia do not form tumors. Cancer doctors treat malignant tumors as soon as they are detected, else they can prove to be lethal.
Though the various cancer names stem from the site of origin, cancer doctors classify cancers in a different manner. Carcinoma is a cancer of skin or tissues lining or covering the internal organs. Sarcoma is the cancer of bone, fat, cartilage, blood vessels or connective tissue, whereas leukemia is the cancer of blood forming tissue. Lymphoma is the cancer that begins in the immune system and cancer that begins in the brain and spinal cord tissues is central nervous system cancer.
Smoking, though not the only cause, is definitely related to cancer of lungs, mouth, throat, bladder and kidney. Too much sun exposure and exposure to hazardous chemicals classified as carcinogens can cause melanoma, the cancer of skin and other cancers.
Radiation is also a cause of cancer. In very rare cases, radiation for one type of cancer can cause another cancer later in life. Heredity is another factor that causes cancer due to inherited genes. In very rare cases, skin cancer develops in burn scars many years after the burn injury has healed.
Giving up tobacco and alcohol can help prevent not only certain types of cancers but many other diseases also. It is never too late to give up tobacco in all forms to reduce the risk of cancer. Skin cancer can be avoided by keeping away from strong sunlight and using adequate SPF.
Having less of red meat and processed meat is also helpful as cancer doctors have found that red meat like beef and pork and processed meat like bacon are related to cancer risks. Plan a healthy diet that keeps you fit and healthy as well as boosts immunity.
Regular screenings are also important. Women can conduct self breast examination regularly as well as get a Pap Smear test, especially if they have a family history of
breast cancer,cervical cancer or ovarian cancer.
The three main treatments available for cancer are surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. All of these are successful in removing cancerous tissues as well as eliminating the chances or recurrence, provided the cancer is detected well in time. There are some side effects of radiation and chemotherapy which are temporary and much easier to deal with than the cancer itself.
Other treatments for cancer include hormone therapy, bone marrow transplant and immunotherapy. These are generally given along with surgery to ensure faster healing.
by: Alex White
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