Conclusions: This preliminary experience demonstrates that laparoscopy is a safe and accurate method for detecting transdiaphragmatic tumor extension when CT fails to do so. Laparoscopy should be considered a standard part of prethoracotomy staging in this subset of patients."Origin of Connective Tissue Type Mesotheliomas from Multipotential Spindle Cells By: Montwrobleski77 About the Author Monty Wrobleski is the author of...more
Value of Tumor Markers for Differential Diagnosis Between Mesothelioma and other Pleural Tumors By: Montwrobleski77 About the Author Monty Wrobleski is the author of this article. For more information please click on the following linksDepuy Hip Recall AttorneyDepuy ASR RecallDepuy Hip Recall (ArticlesBase SC #3536212) Article Source: - Value of Tumor Markers for...more
With our frequent and prolonged use of computers or laptops, we may have already experienced pain from it. Participating in long and exhausting piano lessons, guitar lessons and even sports that utilizes the use of our wrist can also cause pain. If you are experiencing this, then you might want to consult your physician. This may be a symptom of tendinitis of the wrist or also called tenosynovitis.Tendinitis of the wrist or tenosynovitis can be caused by the inflammation and irritation of the tissue that surrounds the tendons of the thumb. The inflammation may be due to the reasons stated above and also may be due to trauma, overuse and even poor positioning of the wrist. The pain is perceived in the front of the wrist, which is a common symptom of tenosynovitis. Extension and bending of the wrist is also painful. Forming a fist with the thumb inside can also be excruciatingly painful. These symptoms are the basis for diagnosing tendinitis of the wrist or tenosynovitis.Thankfully, tenosynovitis can be treated. Pain killers to manage pain are usually advised, as well as taking anti-inflammatory medications. But natural ways are also available for those who do not like taking...more
Another interesting study is called, "Control of cell cycle progression in human mesothelioma cells treated with gamma interferon" - Oncogene 2001, vol. 20, no9, pp. 1085-1093 – Here is an excerpt: "Abstract - Recombinant human interferon gamma (r-hu-IFNγ) exerts both antitumoral activity in the early stages of human malignant mesothelioma and a...more
Also since the treatment is somewhat costly, it is up to you to decide whether to proceed by laser method or by some home remedies for bacterial infection.Toenail Fungus Treatment - When to Get Laser Treatment By: Varadharajan R About the Author Now you would possibly like to know which cure is most safe and a lot efficient,...more
Summary: Malignant pleural mesothelioma is an aggressive primary neoplasm for which early detection and accurate staging are known diagnostic challengesMalignant Pleural Mesothelioma (MPM) is a Highly Lethal Neoplasm By: Montwrobleski77 About the Author Monty Wrobleski is the author of this article. For more information please click on the following linksDepuy Hip Recall AttorneyDepuy ASR RecallDepuy Hip Recall (ArticlesBase SC #3536239) Article Source: - Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma (MPM) is a Highly Lethal Neoplasm more
Breast cancer is a very sensitive topic for many individuals and finding a good, comprehensive breast cancer resource can be somewhat of a challenging task. This is exactly why Breast Cancer Insight was made available to the web readers. Whether you...more
Many women who have small breasts are always looking for ways to increase their cup size to feel sexier. The same goes for men. A lot of men are looking for ways to increase the size of their penis to feel more masculine. While many women say that...more
Who Is at Risk for Mesothelioma? By: Stephanie About the Author (ArticlesBase SC #2970859) Article Source: - Who Is at Risk for Mesothelioma? more
Water is life and without water there is no life on earth but in todays industrial and technology world, water has been destroyed due to factory and many more reasons for human life so every person should be purify water before taking this.Water...more
All countries of the world have an obligation to their citizens to join in the international endeavor to ban all forms of asbestosAsbestos is still with us: Repeat call for a universal ban By: SEK KOMP About the Author ...more
You can learn how to improve your quality of life can greatly improve by being able to identify migraines and the warning signs before they appear.Dealing With Migraines Using The Natural Methods Of Prevention, Control And Treatment By: Peter...more