There are people who tend to suffer from snoring and sleep related disorders like apnea. For all such people, pillar procedure is the best remedy. Having an adequate proper sleep has been advocated by health experts. Due to various reasons, people generally seem to overlook this health condition. But, many snorers have benefited from it worldwide. Under this relatively new technique the surgical technique followed is similar to many other...more
Nail fungus is an infection that develops in or under the nail. One of the first signs of the infection is discoloration under the nail. The discoloration usually starts out by changing your nail color to yellow and as the infection progresses the nail turns even darker in color. There is also a thickening of the nail and chipping around the outer edges of the nail. If the infection is allowed to go untreated for a period of time, pain sets in...more
Prostate is a gland and an integral part of the male reproductive system. It is located just below the bladder, in front of the rectum in the man and it is about the size of walnut. As it surrounds the urethra it also affects the normal flow of urine. Usually hormones control the prostrate. These hormones are responsible to affect their growth. They are very effective and important in maintaining the balance in the prostrate.Usually in prostate enlargement there is narrowing of the urethra due to which elimination of the urine becomes more difficult. It is a condition which is non-cancerous and often occurs in men over the age 50. Urethra is a tube which is running from the bladder through the prostate gland. When prostate enlarges the urethra becomes narrow and thus it causes difficulty in eliminating urine.Due to enlargement of the prostate a person suffering from it faces a lot of trouble starting the urine stream. People often have the feeling of urination as some urine always remain left behind in the bladder. Even people have to urinate 2-3 times in night also. It becomes very urgent to urinate suffering from the problem of prostate enlargement otherwise it may dribble out to...more
Problem of upset stomach as well as diarrhea is very common in people of all ages. Various factors are there which gives rise to upset stomach problem and diarrhea like food poisoning, including stress, problems with digestion and food allergies.Usually many people suffer from this problem whether this problem is temporary or permanent. People...more
The major culprit that causes the dangerous kind of cancer, mesothelioma, is the asbestos. Majority of the mesothelioma scenarios documented have a background record of exposure to asbestos behind them. Then likewise, situations have been recorded rarely of this cancer where there was no involvement of asbestos particles. Asbestos is a naturally...more
1.FT-10 fuel treatment is a combination of effective additives which has proved to be extremely useful for less consumption of petrol and diesel. FT-10 can be mixed with leaded and non-leaded fuel and can be used in all the vehicles. It improves fuel average of all the vehicles.2.SIt separates water element from the fuel, which results in protecting costly bearings for a long term use without a need to replace those. 3. It controls fungus generation in diesel which increases burning capacity of the fuel. 4. Its anti-gelling feature helps the vehicle to start easily even in the winter season. 5. It keeps the valves clean and non-sticky. 6. Quite economically, FT-10 in a two wheeler can ride the vehicle 5 kilometres extra mile. 7. Increased combustion of fuels and fuel mileage. 8. Disperses water and moisture in the fuel burns evenly and with fuel. 9. Provides superior lubrication of the cylinder which extends engine life. 10. Cleans the internal combustion engine while driving. 11. Dissolves and removes fuel lines Gum Deposits. 12. Improve Octane, dieseling prevention and Ping. 13. Protects against rust and corrosion of fuel system. 14. Prevents the formation of gums and resins...more
When a person is over exposed to asbestos, he can develop tumor cells then later would turn out to be malignant cancer cells, it would affect most of the body organs or otherwise known as mesothelioma. Normally, pleura, which is the outer lining of...more
Asbestosis and mesothelioma among British asbestos workers (1971-2005) By: SEK KOMP About the Author (ArticlesBase SC #3535909) Article Source: - Asbestosis and mesothelioma among...more
NOTE: Your feedback is important for us as it can help us improve please spare sometime to leave your valuable comment.Actual Cause of Breast Cancer… By: faraz About the Author (ArticlesBase SC #2970228) ...more
Another interesting study is called, "Surgical approach to pleural diffuse mesothelioma in Japan" by Keigo Takagia, Ryosuke Tsuchiyab, Yoh Watanabec - Volume 31, Issue 1, Pages 57-65 (1 January 2001). Here is an excerpt: "Abstract - The current...more
Another interesting study is called, "A pilot study of systemic corticosteroid administration in conjunction with intrapleural adenoviral vector administration in patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma." By Sterman DH, Molnar-Kimber K, Iyengar...more
Another interesting study is called, "Palliative surgical debulking in malignant mesothelioma : Predictors of survival and symptom control" by A. E. Martin-Ucara, J. G. Edwardsa, A. Rengajarana, S. Mullerb and D. A. Waller, - Department of Thoracic...more