When you make a promise to a client, are you confident your staff can - and will - keep it? Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and managing staff performance are popular management concepts. This article looks at their practical application and importance in providing a consistent quality service for your clients.In the Future Ready III whitepaper, the Business Health authors say: 'The results for those businesses willing to invest in their people...more
Asthma is a disease that is caused by an inflammation of the airways and effects tens of millions of Americans every year. Asthma is marked by symptoms such as tightness of chest, wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath, and mucous production. Every case of asthma is different, and some people suffer from it more than others. Because asthma effects the airways, an attack can be life threatening, and immediate treatment will be required. If you...more
KERATOSIS PILARIS, also known as KP, is a skin disorder where light red rashes or slight bumps appear on the skin and do not usually cause any itching. This usually occurs due to accumulation of protein (keratin) around the hair follicles on the skin and gives skin a little bumpy appearance. Due to similarity in symptoms the patients usually misinterpret its occurrence as goose bumps or acne and start the treatment accordingly which provides no or very little relief. The symptoms appear mainly on the upper arms and thighs and rarely on facial skin. They start to exaggerate with puberty and improve with age at their own pace. Also dry skin in winter increases the occurrence of KP which again improves in summers. In many cases KP has been found to show genetic correlation too. The condition has no long term health related negative effect and usually subsides by the age of 30.KERATOSIS PILARIS does not harm or lead to any serious negative effects to the body but leaves the skin with a bumpy texture that often looks like a rash. So the main affect of this skin disorder is with the patient's confidence in how they look. It is a common problem among the young affecting about 50 to 80% of...more
Tom Bosley is very best recognized for Mr. Cunningham from the well-known all American sit com Pleased Nights. As Mr. Cunningham, Tome Bosley was voted the No. 9 on the record of the greatest television fathers of all time. He last but not least succumbed to a difficult battle with lung cancer at the age of 83. Extended Arduous Battle with Cancer...more
Gregg J. Borri is a New York mesothelioma lawyer who specializes in asbestos litigation. His law offices provide legal representation to victims of asbestos exposure (the principal cause of mesothelioma), namely those diagnosed with one of the three mesothelioma types – pleural, peritoneal, or pericardial mesothelioma. Each New York mesothelioma...more
Of course this list is not exhaustive but nevertheless it would be a great start to the healing of a nation. I realize that this list of do's and don'ts necessitates a great change in the way we think. I for one know how difficult change can be. But when you get right down to it what alternative do we have? We are dying. I understand that death is inevitable but that does not mean it is normal to die a premature violent death. The statistics are pretty clear that in all likelihood a heart attack or some form of cancer is going to be the way you check out of this life if you don't begin to adopt some of the above practices. My personal belief is that the time of our death is in the Hands of God, but if we are good stewards of the only body we have we can at least make sure the way we die is natural. Heart disease and cancer are not natural. Don't go out that way!Cancer, It's Not A Natural Way To Die By: mark brohl About the Author I am passionate about health issues, and the state of the health of our wonderful America. I believe the American Diet is literally killing us and I believe that lobby money is the reason that we have been...more
ADHD Treatments Available – Part One By: Wyn Cole About the Author Gaillyn Hope is a former public elementary school teacher who is now a web writer, as well as a writer of children's stories and tells her stories on line as...more
In the past years, surgical methods have evolved significantly and made a breakthrough such as the improvement of the Laser surgery which is being used in a lot of hospitals nowadays. This kind of surgery has made use of a laser named as the LASIK...more
Knowing Cholecystocutaneous fistulas treatment in India – Overview, Diagnosis and Treatment By: Swati Sharma About the Author For further information on treatment of Cholecystocutaneous fistulas treatment in India, visit us...more
Both procedures can detect the pre-cancerous growths called polyps so doctors can remove them before they form a tumor, but patients are reluctant to get these uncomfortable and embarrassing tests. Some experts are hoping using cheap drugs like...more
Breast most cancers often happens when sure cells situated in the breast begin to develop out of control, taking over nearby tissue and spreading all through the body. Large collections of this contaminated tissue are called "tumors". Some tumors...more
There are several processes of annealing like bright annealing, process annealing, recrystallization annealing, sub critical annealing, spheroid annealing, isothermal annealing, full annealing, etc. Each process is instrumental in producing different...more