How To Decrease Your Chances Of Getting Skin Cancer Melanoma is a type of cancer that occurs on the skin and all the parts of your body that is exposed to the sun light and the outdoors. For instance, melanoma can occur on your throat or your shoulders or your back or arms or hands or feet or legs and in even more places if you wear swim suits and other kinds of things when you go swimming. When this happens, and the skin suffers from too...more
Scars are generally grouped into three categories: sunken (atrophic) scars, raised (hypertrophic) scars, and keloids. Anyone can develop any one of these scars, however, keloid scars seem to be the most predominant and most difficult type of scar tissue to treat. Keloid scars can arise from any type of wound: cuts, burns and inflammatory reactions such as acne. As they develop, they begin to grow past the edges of the original site of damage and...more
Discussion of skin cancer is usually divided by far the most dangerous form. The non-melanoma skin cancers include basal cell cancers and squamous cell cancers.The non-melanoma skin cancer treatment has a high success rate, the skin cancer is detected at an early stage. Australians should regularly check their skin for new growths, any changes in the color, shape or size of existing skin spots. Doctor can also check for skin cancers. History of skin cancer, you should have regular medical checks of the previously treated areas and other areas are susceptible to new cancers.Diagnosis of skin cancerDoctor will look at the suspect skin spot and have a skin cancer; doctor will suggest a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis. Biopsy is a quick and relatively simple procedure carried out with a local anesthetic. The surrounding tissue of spot will be removed so it can be tested at a laboratory. Often the whole cancer is removed at this stage, and you may not require further treatment.You may also need additional tests, such as x-rays, scans and a lymph node biopsy, to show if there has been any spread of the cancer to other parts of the body.Skin cancer treatmentWhen doctor planning the...more
Lines Under Eyes - Wrinkle Treatments This aging process is more pronounced with the skin that has been most often exposed to the sun. Skin that wrinkles and age spots that begin appearing on our face and arms can all be blamed to a certain degree on our skins exposure to the sun. Skin wrinkles around eyes also vary in depth and while fine...more
Mesothelioma Research and Results Another study is called, "The value of Wilms tumor susceptibility gene 1 in cytologic preparations as a marker for malignant Mesothelioma" by Jonathan L. Hecht M.D., Ph.D., Benjamin H. Lee M.D., Ph.D., Jack L. Pinkus Ph.D., Geraldine S. Pinkus M.D., - Cancer Cytopathology Volume 96, Issue 2, pages 105–109,...more
Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma is a Highly Aggressive and Challenging Cancer One interesting study is called, "Proteoglycans in human malignant mesothelioma. Stimulation of their synthesis induced by epidermal, insulin and platelet-derived growth factors involves receptors with tyrosine kinase activity" – Biochimie Volume 81, Issue 7, July 1999, Pages 733-744 – by Alexandra Syrokoua, George N. Tzanakakisb, Anders Hjerpeb and Nikos K. Karamanosa - Department of Chemistry, University of Patras, 261 10 Patras, Greece. Here is an excerpt: "Abstract - Identification of proteoglycans in two human malignant mesothelioma cell lines, one with epithelial differentiation and the other with fibroblast-like phenotype, and the effects of epidermal (EGF), insulin-like (IGF-I) and platelet-derived (PDGF-BB) growth factors on the synthesis of hyaluronan (HA) and proteoglycans (PGs) were studied. Both cell lines synthesize HA and PGs: these last were recovered both as secreted and cell-associated compounds. Chondroitin sulfate (CS) containing PGs are mainly organized as versican in the extracellular medium and as thrombomodulin and syndecan in the cell membrane. Heparan sulfate (HS)...more
Mesothelioma and Cancer Gene Therapy One interesting study is called, "Preoperative Evaluation of Patients With Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma: Role of Integrated CT-PET Imaging" by Truong, Mylene T. MD; Marom, Edith M. MD; Erasmus, Jeremy J....more
Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction Due to Over Masturbation Over masturbation can cause several sexual problems and erectile dysfunction is one of them, effective treatment for this problem is required to avoid problems in relationship....more
Men frequently possess a lack of comprehension of prostate cancer, their own risk for the cancer, and how to determine if they have prostate cancer. Many male patients are not aware of what it means to screen for prostate cancer or that screening...more
It is not unusual for a medical malpractice attorney to be contacted by a prospective client who begins by saying something similar to, "A doctor kept telling me I just had hemorrhoids but now I have advanced colon cancer." What legal options does...more
The second largest number of cancer deaths is from colon cancer.. Each year, around forty eight thousand people will pass away from colon cancer. A large number of these deaths might be prevented with early diagnosis and treatment through standard...more
Sinus Tachycardia Treatment The symptoms of sinus tachycardia include chest pain, dizziness; breathe shortness, severe anxiety and many other problems. People who are suffering from sinus tachycardia can follow a proper sinus tachycardia...more