Have You Been Exposed to Asbestos? We are all exposed to low levels of asbestos in the air we breathe. These levels range from 0.00001 to 0.0001 fibers per milliliter of air and generally are highest in cities and industrial areas.It is known that breathing asbestos can increase the risk of cancer in people. There are two types of cancer caused by exposure to asbestos: lung cancer and mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is a cancer of the thin...more
There is no cure for cerebral palsy, but there are several treatments that help to relieve some of the extreme symptoms that the disorder displays. A patient should be advised by a multi-disciplinary team that encompasses physical therapy, occupational therapy, drug interventions, surgery, speech therapy, sensory integration, and adaptive equipment. Each patient is different and requires one or a combination of therapies that is individualized...more
Early Detection of Prostate Cancer Cancer of the prostate is typically a slow progressing cancer and symptoms often do not arise for many years. If the cancer is caught at an early stage, there might be no noticeable symptoms. Some men, however, will experience symptoms that could indicate the presence of prostate cancer. These might include:• A need for frequent urination, particularly at night• Difficulty starting urination• Weak or interrupted urine flow• Pain or a burning sensation during urination• Difficulty in obtaining an erection• Pain during ejaculation• Blood in the urine or in semen• Recurring pain or stiffness in the lower back, hips, or upper thighsSometimes the first symptoms will be lower back, hip or pelvic pain caused by cancer which has already spread.It is important to be aware that the symptoms of both benign enlargement of the prostate gland (i.e. non-cancerous) and malignant tumours (cancer) are similar and might include any of the following symptoms:• Difficulty starting urination • Frequent urination, particularly at night • Pain during urination • Blood in the urineAlso, men over 50 years of age often have an enlarged...more
Natural Treatments for ADD ADD, or Attention Deficit Disorder, is a growing problem facing children today. ADD is a type of hyperactivity disorder most commonly found in children, but it can also be present in adults. It is currently the most commonly diagnosed behavior disorder in children and is believed to afflict more than two million...more
The risks that come along with the use of asbestos have long been documented. Doctors have known about the links with asbestos to cancer and Mesothelioma since the 20s and 30s. You would think that asbestos would be a concern of the past but asbestos is still being manufactured and used by many countries. Asbestos is not a thing of the past and...more
The risks of asbestos are known and have been for many years. For the most part, people are aware of the consequences of exposure to asbestos. What most people are not aware of is just who is at risk to exposure to asbestos. The number of products and places that asbestos can be found are alarming. Asbestos can be found in places that you never would think that they would exist. It is important to know these things! Asbestos surveys can be conducted on properties to alert owners, maintenance, and construction workers of the presence of asbestos, whether the fibers have been disturbed and if and how they need to be removed. Asbestos surveys are a good line of defense and prevention to asbestos in properties but it can be found in everyday items as well. Asbestos surveys have been created to analyze materials found in a building that are suspect for containing asbestos. They will analyze also if those fibers have been disturbed or not and if they need to be removed. Most asbestos surveys are followed with a management plan that helps you determine how you will handle the materials that do contain asbestos and how to remove them safely and legally. The surveys inform property...more
Inpatient Treatment for Substance Abuse . Drug addiction is a disease that is incurable, but with willpower, focus and flexibility as well as a good quality treatment program, it can be accomplished. A substance abuse inpatient facility...more
Your Guide to Mesothelioma Treatments Mesothelioma treatment relates relieving or curing the deadly disease called mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is serious disease that affects the lining of lungs, abdominal organs or heart. Mesothelioma can be...more
Abrasions Treatment and Natural Treatment for Abrasions A corneal abrasion is a sore scrape or scratch of the outside of the clear part of the eye. This clear tissue of the eye is recognized as the cornea. These transparent windows cover the...more
You probably don't think of going through endodontic treatment on a daily basis. For some folks though, some teeth symptoms may be an indication that they should at least seek their dentists' opinions regarding the applicability of the option....more
Arthritis Pain Treatment To Get Your Movement Back If you are looking for arthritis pain treatment, you may be surprised to know that there are lots of ways you can get help. The growing problem of arthritis with age is a major threat to...more
It is not weird to note distention of portions of the giant veins in the legs as people age. This is more common to those people whose jobs require them to stand at a longer time. This quiescent, upright position produces stagnation of the blood in...more