If you have bed bugs in your home, and they are causing you grief, then finding the right treatment solution is vitally important at this point. There are many different avenues that you can pursue, one of which is a bed bug heat treatment. If you have children or pets in the home and want to choose a bed bug infestation solution that is non-toxic and non-chemical in nature, then the heat treatment approach is the right approach for your...more
Recent reports have told us that some of the components found in green teas should reduce the chance of men getting prostate and other cancers. Scientists carried out in the USA have shown that green teas contain an ingredient that will cut the amounts of a protein that is linked to the onset of prostate cancer.Taking these types of tea could lower the onset of prostate cancer and halt the growth of tumours.In the stringent study, men suffering...more
Statistics Indicate Thyroid Cancer Is On The Rise, Is It? Thyroid cancer develops in the thyroid gland located at the base of the neck. This gland's responsibility is to produce hormones to regulate metabolism.When a fluid-filled nodule develops in the thyroid, the vast majority of these nodules are benign verses cancerous. If as a child you were exposed to radiation or have a relative with history of thyroid cancer, your risk is higher.A cancerous nodule may be one of three types of cancer of the thyroid: papillary, follicular or mixed papillary. Medullary carcinoma, anaplastic carcinoma, and thyroid lymphoma are the least common of the disease.Papillary and follicular cancers are usually slow growing remaining asymptomatic for many years. Sometimes the nodule in the gland may grow and cancerous cells can spread to lymph nodes in the neck. Although this disease does not spread quickly, it can metastasize or spread to other organs.According to the American's National Cancer Institutes' 2010 SEER report, it is estimated that 44,670 (10,740 men and 33,930 women) will be diagnosed with thyroid cancer. They also report 1690 men and women will die of cancer of the thyroid in...more
Substance Abuse Treatment Addiction begins with that first drink or that first experiment with drugs. It may have been a casual occurrence or something that was influenced by friends. It does not really matter how it began. What really matters is how to get it to end. Some people take drugs and alcohol because they are unable to handle the...more
What is a stroke?A stroke is a "brain attack" that happens when a part of the brain experiences a problem with blood flow. This disruption in blood flow cuts off the supply of oxygen to the cells in that part of the brain, and these cells begin to die.Damage to the brain can cause loss of speech, vision, or movement in an arm or a leg, depending on...more
Thousands of patients given quicker access to cancer tests in the UK Thousands of Britons with suspected cancer will be given quicker access to tests so they can be diagnosed and treated faster.Health Secretary Andrew Lansley is to announce changes so GPs can refer people with possible symptoms of disease directly for checks, without having to wait to first see a hospital specialist.Late diagnosis is one of the main reasons that Britain has one of the worst survival rates from cancer in the developed world.On Tuesday Mr Lansley will set out plans to give family doctors better access to procedures such as colonoscopy and flexible sigmoidoscopy, which are used to diagnose bowel cancer, and MRI scans which can detect brain tumors. Some GPs are already able to refer patients directly for some tests, such as X-rays for those with suspected lung cancer, and ultrasound scans, to detect ovarian, pancreatic and liver disease.Mr Lansley will announce plans to expand the program, and increase the types of tests covered by "direct access".Specialists say too many people delay seeing their GP about possible symptoms of the disease. Even when they do, many cases are missed, because family...more
Autism Treatment – Respen-A and Autism This is part one of a multi-part video series that will discuss my experiences in using a treatment called Respen-A. It was about a year ago, October 2009, that I began using Respen-A in my practice for...more
Woodworm Treatment: Some simple steps to follow Woodworm is the most common problem by which each and every house gets affected. They cause damage to the wood structure of your home. Wood is their favorite fruit and woodworm love eating wood....more
Psoriasis Treatment Scalp Over The Counter Have you and your relatives or friends ever suffered with Psoriasis? Psoriasis is not lethal but rattling troublesome and unenviable. And it is truly scheming to get rid of. Psoriasis brings group a...more
Cost Considerations Mesothelioma Exposure long or short term with asbestos or other mineral fibers such as vermiculite are key suspects in causing cancer. Mesothelioma is a exceptional form of cancer that fosters from the protective lining...more
Common Cancer Types and Risks Cancer affects nearly each and every part of our body. There exist over a hundred different types of cancers. Cells in our body normally grow, divide, and produce more cells to perform specials tasks. When these...more
Treatment Of Meningitis When it comes to the treatment of Meningitis, the first thing that has to be discovered is what caused the onset of Meningitis symptoms. A health care professional must determine whether it is viral Meningitis or...more