Natural Treatment of Gallstones
Natural Treatment of Gallstones
Natural Treatment of Gallstones
Natural treatment of gallstones
Gallstones can be treated in a natural way by using natural remedies and without surgery. Home remedies are inexpensive, effective and safe and do not cause side effects. If you have symptoms like prolonged pain in the upper abdomen and pain in the stomach and clay-like stools and dark colored urine, and are searching for natural treatment of gallstones, read more
When free flow of bile is blocked in the gallbladder, these stone-like material called gallstones are formed. Bile is required for digestion of fat. Indigestion problems, skin color change and color change of white of the eyes and nausea and vomiting are also symptoms of formation of gallstones.
The causes of formation of gallstones are: Being over 60years, excess cholesterol, being of female species, excess estrogen, and obesity and fasting. Cholesterol, pigment and mixed stones that contain 80%, 20% and 20-80% cholesterol respectively can be cured by both by using conventional and improvised home remedies. Improvised home remedies work faster than conventional home remedies.
Retaining healthy diet, doing exercises to stimulate the liver, eating nuts that contain unsaturated fat and fresh vegetables, avoiding junk food and cutting down on carbohydrates and having coffee and drinking 8-10 glasses of water per day are useful in fighting this problem.
Natural treatment for gallstones removal
Pure olive oil absorbed with a very hot cloth and placed on the upper abdomen and the stomach can dissolve gallstones. Quebra Pedra, the herb, can be taken in 500ml water and be completed within a day. This should be continued for a month to get relief.
Nature can cure you,if you allows
Nature has cure for all diseases,but you have to allow nature to cure your gallbladder stones.
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