Author: Una PecattiThese types of cancers can only affect women as a result of their biological conditioning and make-up. Cervical Cancer Symptoms BleedingSome cancers affect women and men equally but others are specifically unique in women. The first is breast cancer, which is very common in females but unusual in men. The second is cervical cancer, a development of cancerous effects in the cervix and unique to women because human males don't...more
The pharmaceutical industry is facing a coarse couple of years. The 'patent-expiration cliff' slated for 2012-2013, in which lucrative brand-name drugs will lose exclusiveness and face less expensive generics. To offset the losses they are expecting, many pharmaceuticals attempting to find profits have turned to oncology and creating cancer drugs. This will sound like excellent news. But current motivations and market conditions may actually work...more
Author: Sandy ShawThis is because most sites that are dedicated towards telling the truth behind ovarian cancer survival rates tend to do so from a more negative angle. Cervical Cancer Statistics By Age For example, in the United States only 50 percent of women who have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer will live beyond five years. And this statistic does not provide any official hope that the disease will remain in remission beyond the five-year timeframe. So, is this really the truth behind ovarian cancer survival rates? Yes and no. What many sites won't tell you is that the ovarian cancer survival rates are a lot more positive for women who have had their condition diagnosed early. In fact, for the 25 percent of women who are in this category, the ovarian cancer survival rate is an amazing 90 percent. Yet, most sites won't talk about this because the majority of women will get diagnosed in the latter stages of the disease, stages at which the disease has progressed too much for long-term survival. How can a woman increase her chances of being part of the 25 percent that do get diagnosed early? This is a very difficult question to answer. For some women waiting until ovarian...more
Degenerative diseases, like cancer and heart disease are caused by chemicals that irritate and cause inflammation, wreaking havoc on your healthy cells. Your biochemistry is disrupted."We know that most degenerative diseases are limited to free radical damage"...according to James Balch, M.D. In 1954 Dr. Denham Harmon said this: "A single common...more
120 MILLION KARMIC SINS WILL LEAD TO CANCER By: sathyan About the Author Sathyan Muttambalam & Sreesutha (ArticlesBase SC #3147736) Article Source: - 120 MILLION KARMIC SINS WILL LEAD TO CANCER more
Although many individuals suffer with tonsil stones, very few are aware of an acceptable tonsil stones treatment. This is true probably because it is not the most pleasant topic to discuss. However, they are a fact of life, and if you are suffering with them, you should know these 3 facts about getting rid of tonsil stones.First, before we discuss removal, it is essential we know some basic information about the stones. They form in the folds of the tonsils, near the back of the mouth.They are composed of bacteria, mucous, and dead white blood cells. When these materials calcify, the end result is a yellowish white "stone".In the beginning stages, they are too small to be seen. However, as time goes by they progessively get larger.Tonsil Stone Treatment- The Facts About 3 Different Approaches1) Picking Them OutWhen they become large enough to be seen with the naked eye, many individuals will try and pick them out with tweezers. Or, they will "prod" them out with a Q-Tip.While these methods can be effective, more often than not they simply set off a violent gag reflex reaction. Also, as the stones get quite large, they become more stubborn against removal.2) A Course Of...more
If you end up having united states, a couple of the disorder and furthermore challenges off lung cancer will most certainly be lung cancer survival rate,survival rate of lung cancer,small cell lung cancer survival rate,stage 3 lung cancer survival...more
People generally rely on a doctor communicating any important test results or recommendations to us, even if circumstances prevent us from going back to that doctor. Indeed, when an early diagnosis of a disease or condition could literally mean the...more
I am constantly humbled by the stories and life experiences that women share with me. I am also grateful for what you all teach me. I recently received an email from a woman who wore my scarves during her treatment, sharing some very important...more
3 Simple Steps to DIY Bed Bugs Treatment What is the best bed bugs treatment? If you search the internet, you'll find all kinds of answers to that question. You'll find good advice and bad and some that's just "out there"The purpose of...more
Ceiling fans are the perfect way to keep your house cool and the air fresh during summer, but there are also added benefits of using ceiling fans all year long. Ceiling fans do not actually change the temperature in a room, but depending on their...more
How to choose the best IVF centres in India?IVF is an artificial method of pregnancy where fertilization occurs outside the woman’s body. In this process the ovum is fertilised in a petri dish under the optimal temperature of the incubator in a...more