Do Markers Provide Higher Diagnostic Accuracy for Mesothelioma Another interesting study is called, "Changes in surfactant in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid after hemithorax irradiation in patients with Mesothelioma" by Hallman, M. Maasilta, P. ; Kivisaari, L. ; Mattson, K. (Univ. of Helsinki (Finland)) - Journal Name: American Review of Respiratory Disease (New York); (USA); Journal Volume: 141. Here is an excerpt: "Experimental...more
Mesothelioma and Histological Evidence of Extra Pleural Lymph Node Metastases Another interesting study is called, "The case for routine cervical mediastinoscopy prior to radical surgery for malignant pleural Mesothelioma" by J.E. Pillinga, D.J. Stewarta, A.E. Martin-Ucara, S. Mullerb, K.J. O'Byrnec, D.A. Wallera - Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2004;25:497-501. Here is an excerpt: "Objectives: To assess whether cervical mediastinoscopy...more
Mesothelioma Therapy with the Antiestrogen Tamoxifen Another interesting study is called, "The Antiestrogen Tamoxifen in the Treatment of Recurrent Benign Cystic Mesothelioma" by Gerard S. Letteriea, and Joseph L. Yonb - Gynecologic Oncology Volume 70, Issue 1, July 1998, Pages 131-133. Here is an excerpt: "Abstract - Benign cystic mesothelioma is a tumor characteristically found in women during the reproductive years. These tumors are infrequently found after castration or menopause, suggesting some degree of hormonal sensitivity. Such aspects of the tumor suggest a potential role for antiestrogens as medical management and an alternative to radical surgery. We treated a 19-year-old woman with a symptomatic pelvic mass secondary to a recurrent benign cystic mesothelioma 2 years after radical surgery with the antiestrogen tamoxifen. An initial reduction in volume and arrest of growth was followed by stabilization in size and disappearance of symptoms. Therapy was continued for 18 months with no change in the volume of the cystic structure. The patient continued to be asymptomatic. Periodic surveillance with quantitative digital radiography for bone density showed...more
Buying a Movado Watch can Help with Breast Cancer Awareness When you're a little kid, the month of October is an incredible thing, because it means that Halloween is right around the corner. Every child in America is well aware that October ends with a gigantic costume party that involves fun, adventure, and most important of all, a...more
What everyone should know about malignant mesothelioma Malignant mesothelioma is a term that refers to nearly every case of mesothelioma. Although previously some medical professionals used the term benign mesothelioma to refer to some forms of mesothelioma, this has changed in recent years. Conditions that were formerly called...more
Mesothelioma Support Isn't Difficult To Find! Illness and suffering are unfortunate parts of life which many of us encounter at some point or another, but for those who develop mesothelioma, an immense amount of devastation can be experienced, and this does not only include physical challenges, but indeed, also tremendous emotional challenges which can be extremely difficult to cope with. This is why it's important for those diagnosed with mesothelioma to seek mesothelioma support as soon as possible. What can be gained after finding support for one's mesothelioma? The answer is: quite a lot! Many who are diagnosed with mesothelioma experience a great deal of emotional pain which is undoubtedly difficult to manage; this emotional pain could become worse over time without proper support. Indeed, receiving help and support can help to ease the emotional suffering experienced, but having a better emotional and mental state can also provide the mesothelioma patient with increased strength to fight his or her disease as much as possible. Where can effective help and support be found? The answer can vary from person to person, but more often than not, the best help...more
How to Know If You Have Brain Cancer, is it Hereditary? A quantity of researchers have appeared at how to know if you have brain cancer malignancy as regards the aspect of heredity. Is the likelihood of having or finding human brain...more
Treatment for Crusted Scabies It is pertinent to isolate those infected with crusted scabies, as these patients may easily trigger an epidemic or outbreak of scabies. Fellow household members or hospital staff must take extra...more
Flying Ant Treatments: Why Would You Spend For Them? Flying ant treatments, needless to say, require you to spend some amount of money whether it is a few dollars for some ready-to-use treatments solution or a few more dollars for pest...more
Flying Ant Treatments Flying ant treatments are considerably less expensive than termite treatments. Flying ants are sometimes confused with termites, and before treatment is commenced, be sure which critter it is being treated. Beware...more
Effective Flying Ant Treatments In the world of ant extermination, there are flying ant treatments that very effective in ridding the world of a segment of the ant population. Flying ants are often confused with flying termites, as...more
Flying Ant Treatments And Identifying Ants From Termites Before you apply some flying ant treatments, it would be wise to first determine whether you are actually dealing with ants or termites. Some people find it difficult to identify...more