Buying a Movado Watch can Help with Breast Cancer Awareness
Buying a Movado Watch can Help with Breast Cancer Awareness
When you're a little kid, the month of October is an incredible thing, because it means that Halloween is right around the corner. Every child in America is well aware that October ends with a gigantic costume party that involves fun, adventure, and most important of all, a plethora of free candy.However, as many adults are aware, October is also Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and because of that many companies and organizations are releasing "pink" memorabilia as a way to warn individuals of the dangers of breast cancer.Amongst those products is the 2010 Coach "Think Pink" Breast Cancer Awareness Movado watch. A collaboration between designer companies Coach and Movado watch, this timepiece is being sold with the guarantee that 20% of all proceeds are being donated directly to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. The timepiece is available between October and the end of 2010 at Coach and Movado Watch shops, as well as a number of department stores. With a mother-of-pearl dial, the 2010 Coach "Think Pink" Breast Cancer Awareness Movado watch is well worth the retail price of $248, even if the proceeds weren't going to support an honorable cause. However, the collaboration between Coach and Movado watch isn't the only major partnership going on in support of breast cancer research during the month of October. One of the biggest corporations in America is also getting in on the Breast Cancer Awareness: The National Football LeagueAs many fans have undoubtedly noticed, a high majority of NFL players have been wearing pink armbands, gloves, shoes, and towels as a means for showing support for "A Crucial Catch," a campaign partnership between the NFL and the American Cancer Society. To quote the official NFL website:"The NFL, its clubs and players are proud to support the fight against breast cancer. Our campaign, "A Crucial Catch", in partnership with the American Cancer Society, is focused on the importance of annual screenings, especially for women who are over the age of 40. Throughout October, NFL games will feature players, coaches and referees wearing pink game apparel to raise awareness for the campaign, as well as on-field pink ribbon stencils and special K-balls and pink coins. All apparel worn at games by players and coaches and special K-balls and pink coins will auctioned off at NFL Auction (, with proceeds benefitting the American Cancer Society and team charities. This is an issue that has directly touched the lives of so many in the NFL family, and we are committed to helping make a difference in breast-cancer prevention."There are countless groups and organizations getting in on the action this October. The amount of support truly is unbelievable and seeing "pink" in so many places, from the NFL to a Movado watch, gives even the most pessimistic of individuals the belief that finding a cure is a matter of "when," not "if."
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