Understanding - Mesothelioma information Mesothelioma informationAsbestos is actually adenine substance which is known to be very harmful to humans if they have been exposed to it for too long. Asbestos, the few decades ago, was quite ubiquitous within household. Thus many people today have been exposed to it for prolonged period of time since it was a component in the house's plaster as well as drywall. An overexposure to asbestos...more
Acidity Treatment and Some Great Home Remedies for Acidity Acidity is related to heartburn and gas formation in stomach. In acidity, acid reflux or gastroesopohageal reflux disease, or more usually known as urdhva gata amalpitta in ayurveda, there is a movement of gastric juices (carrying acid) from the stomach into the lower esophagus (food pipe). This is a condition which is caused when acidic contents in stomach (hydrochloric...more
Autism: A Discussion of Research, Causation and Treatment: "The Case of RAHUL" Rahul is a child of ten who was diagnosed with autism at around the age of two. He is in some ways an ideal subject, because he is neither in the high functioning nor low functioning range. From an observational standpoint that is important. So-called high functioning autistics are often so normal in terms of language skills and life style (eg. Temple Grandin) that it is hard to describe their limitations in stark neuropsychological terms. Moreover, in some instances high functioning autistics are misdiagnosed. For example the symptoms of childhood schizophrenia, organic brain disorders and even severe attention deficit disorders can overlap with autism. By the same token individuals with severe autism, with no language and profound deficits in the areas of cognition, motor skills etc. might not be able to provide clear indicators of what they can and cannot do. That makes their development difficult to describe in specific terms, making it hard to conceptualize with respect to causation and treatment possibilities.Rahul is somewhere in the middle. He is quite capable on some...more
The Effects of Licorice Extract on Colon Cancer Licorice extract has the potential to prevent and treat colon or colorectal cancer that affects more than 130,000 people each year in the United States. Unfortunately, there are very limited medical treatments and preventive drugs available to counter colon cancer. Some non-steroidal...more
Treatment Formulations With Wisdom The pharmaceutical suppliers have a obligation to publicize caution on indiscretionary or indiscriminate use of medication and their-prolonged and extra-health-related use need to be discouraged as considerably as they are promoted for the appropriate use. "I find branded medicines like Viagra...more
Breast Cancer Risk Factors You Need to Know A team of researchers tracking over 6,000 women for up to six years found that most cases of breast cancer happened in patients without a family history of disease, though these patients did have other factors that can predict a woman's likelihood of being diagnosed with cancer of the breast.Yet the tendency to look for family history remains strong, and patients newly diagnosed often wonder how they developed the disease without a close relative with the disease.Earlier research has shown that over 70% of primary care physicians ask a woman about her family background, but less than half collect information on other known risk factors like if periods started before age 12, or if she's given birth.In a recent study the research team analyzed the roles of various cancer risk factors among just over 6,300 postmenopausal women who had taken part in two large drug trials. All the subjects were under 86 years old, and none had been diagnosed with breast cancer.The researchers turned to the Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Tool, a questionnaire that allowed them to turn back the clock and predict the chances of the women...more
Feel rejuvenated with Custom Window Treatments There is no such feeling than to get admiration for the look and feel of your house. We all feel very good when somebody appreciates our houses interiors and the stuffs that we have used...more
Natural Cure for Cysts on Ovaries - How to Heal the Painful Cysts Using an Array of All Natural Treatments Are you tired of living with the pain of your ovarian cyst? Do you wish that you could get rid of this pain once and for all? Do...more
Non-Surgical Treatment of BPH Prostate Problem Do you urinate frequently during the day? How many times do you wake up in the night to urinate? If there are other signs such as sensation of incomplete emptying, burning feeling during...more
Liver Detoxification - Very Essential You have probably heard of the fasting method known as detox diet. This is a detoxification process that cleanses your body. There are different kinds of detox plans. Some methods cleanse the whole...more
DIY Teeth Whitening Treatments can be Dangerous People who want to look younger through teeth whitening treatments should avoid going down the DIY route.Daily Mail journalist Anna Maxted reported that she decided to investigate the...more
Asbestos Removal Vancouver: How much asbestos is bad for you? If you have worked around asbestos in your life and there is a chance that you have inhaled this fibre into your lungs, then you need to know how much it takes to cause harm...more