You have probably heard of the fasting method known as detox diet. This is a detoxification process that cleanses your body. There are different kinds of detox plans. Some methods cleanse the whole body whereas some other method focus upon cleansing specific organs such as colon, liver, stomach etc. The way of dieting also differs slightly from each other so as to get the best out of them. Liver detoxification is the process that cleanses liver.
It is very important to keep all organs in our body in good working condition. Among them, liver plays a vital role. Most of the people suffer from liver disorders due to excess smoking and drinking. Even though your liver is damaged, this diet plan can correct the problems and help you to recover the condition to an extent.
Prior preparation, both mental and physical is very necessary to get rid of adverse effects due to sudden change in food habit. First and foremost step is to eliminate fried and fatty foods from the daily menu. You have to say good bye to coffee and tea at least before 1 week. Try to make your diet rich in fiber included food items, instead of carbohydrate rich ones. Drinking green tea is a good supplement for tea and coffee.
Liver detox diet can be taken for a maximum of 7 days. During the first half of dieting that is from 1 to 3 days you have to go for liquid foods. You can nourish the 4 to 6 days with fresh juices. Dandelion supplement is taken on the 7th day along with the usual raw fruits or fresh juices. After 7 days of liver detox diet, you can go back to your normal diet. You can begin the first days after fasting with soft foods and gradually start eating solid foods.This will help you cope up with your daily regime with ease.
Cleansing mixture made of mixing lemon juice and ginger is of great importance. This acts as a catalyst that improves metabolism activities to burn out excess fats and toxins. Drinking plenty of water and mild exercises can enhance the benefits of liver cleanse detox plan.