Boat shoes have become a vital accessory for men while sailing. These shoes have a functional utility and can prevent you from slipping off on the wet decks. The non slippery rubber soles provide an excellent grip to the wearers. These shoes are originally meant for the sailors. However, nowadays boat shoes have become a popular fashion accessory. Men think their closet to be an incomplete one without stocking a pair of men's boat shoes in it....more
The market is flooded with womens boat shoes or deck shoes nowadays. Originally meant for sailors, these shoes were only designed and manufactured for men but with the increasing demand of the shoe and the style becoming a popular one in the footwear industry, designers also started to manufacture boat shoes for women. Womens boat shoes have a good traction. These shoes provide great grip to the wearers on slippery surfaces and during wet...more
Collision Regulations Pertaining to Radar ReflectorsA pleasure craft that is less than 20 metres in length or which is constructed primarily of non-metallic materials shall equip the craft with a passive radar reflector as described in the Collision Regulations, rule 40:mounted or suspended at a height of not less than 4 metres above the water, if practicable;unless in limited traffic conditions, daylight, and favorable environmental conditions and where compliance is not essential for the safety of the craft; orunless the small size of the craft or his/her operation away from radar navigation makes compliance impracticable.The Charts and Nautical Publications Regulations Pertaining to The Carriage of Charts, Publications and DocumentsThe operator of a pleasure craft not propelled by oars shall have on board, in respect of each area in which the craft is to be navigated, as described in the Charts and Nautical Publications Regulations, the most recent editions of:the largest scale charts;the required publications; andthe required documentsRegulation Pertaining to Speed RestrictionsThe Boating Restriction Regulations, jointly administered with the provinces, regulate the operation...more
To prevent drowning, all persons on board should always wear PFD's and/or life jackets. Did you know that if you are involved in a serious boating incident you are 5 1/2 times less likely to drown if you are wearing your PFD or life jacket?Buckle Up! Be Safe! Be Smart!Most on-water enforcement agencies have a ZERO tolerance when it comes to each...more
Loading Pleasure Craft for SafetyTo avoid impeding the operation and to decrease the risk of injury and increase the safety of all persons on board, the operator of the craft:Should not overload the craft, in excess of the "Recommended Gross Load Capacity" or the "equivalent number of adult persons"Position the persons on board and the gear so as...more
Aids to navigation is a system or a "Road Map" of devices on the water and are provided to help the operator to determine his position and course. The Aids to Navigation System also warns the operator of dangers or obstructions in the waterway or can advise the operator of the location of the best or preferred route.When you refer to the "Chart" that you should have on board of the area you are boating, note that it will include markers, buoys, as well as beacons and lighthouses.FYI: A popular memory aid and a "RULE" for this system is "Red Right Returning"The red buoys will always be on your right or starboard side, when you are returning or heading upstream.The Buoys are reversed when heading downstream, green is on your starboard and red is on your port.Port Hand Buoymarks the port (left) side of a channel and must be kept on the port (left) side of your craft when going upstreamis colored greendisplays identification letter(s) and odd number(s)if it has a light, the light is green and is a flashing (FL) 4s or quick flashing (Q) 1sStarboard Hand Buoymarks the starboard (right) side of a channel and must be kept on the starboard (right) side of the craft when proceeding...more
BeaconsA "Port Hand Day Beacon"marks the port (left) side of a channel or the location of a danger during daylight hours and must be kept on the port (left) side of a pleasure craft when proceeding upstream;with a black or green colored square...more
Using Charts and Topographical MapsCharts are graphic representations depicting water areas including depths, underwater hazards, traffic routes, aids to navigation and adjacent coastal areas. They are intended primarily for the use of mariners to...more
The operator of a pleasure craft will take the following actions in the presence of other persons or properties of the shared waterways activities:stay well clear of swimmers and properties;adjust the speed of the craft so that the draw-off and the...more
Portsmouth UK RYA Level 1 & 2 Powerboat training courses and ICC UK powerboat training courses help you to develop the skills and competences needed to operate your powerboat safely under most conditions – provided you select the right...more
Although you will discover a number of options to choose from when somebody wishes to buy a houseboat, for people that are inclined in the direction of DIY, you'll find several houseboat plans to build a houseboat by yourself. This ensures that...more
Personal loans - sailing you through bad times Personal loans are the best known kind of loans available now days in the financial sector that are in huge demand be it a salaried man or an business man if someone needs a hassle free loan then...more