Safety Equipment Required On Board When Boating
Share: To prevent drowning, all persons on board should always wear PFD's and/or life jackets
. Did you know that if you are involved in a serious boating incident you are 5 1/2 times less likely to drown if you are wearing your PFD or life jacket?
Buckle Up! Be Safe! Be Smart!
Most on-water enforcement agencies have a ZERO tolerance when it comes to each person on board not having an approved PFD or life jacket that is an appropriate fit and is in good condition. This contravention could cost you over $200 for each violation."
Do not use PFD's and life jackets as cushions or craft fenders so as to damage them. Their "Approved" status is void if they are ripped, repaired, altered or are in poor condition.
Share: When selecting PFD's and/or life jackets, the following points should be considered:
They should be snug-fitting, but yet allow freedom of movement of arms and legs
They should be sized appropriately to the person: "Adult sizing" for adults and "Children sizing" for children
They should be appropriate for the type of waterway activities
They should right an unconscious person face up in the water
When not in use PFD's and life jackets should be stored in a dry, well ventilated and readily accessible place on board the craft.
A technique to put on PFD's in the water should be practiced and should include the following:
Spread the device open with the inside facing up out of the water
Rotate the PFD so as to look at the neck opening
Extend both arms through arm openings
Lift arms over your head
Position the PFD around the upper body
Fasten the PFD to fit snuggly
As a safety precaution the boater should read the manufacturers instructions before using pyrotechnic distress signals and should understand that there are penalties for firing flares when there is no apparent emergency.
Pyrotechnic devices should be stored in airtight containers if possible and kept in readily accessible places on board the craft, for emergencies only. All other items for use in emergency situations should be carried in readily accessible places on board.
An appropriate "Emergency Kit" should be on board at all times. Stored in a watertight plastic bag, which may consist of the following items:
Flashlight (with charged or working batteries)
First Aid kit
Emergency Rations
Drinking water
Dry Clothing
by: Nick Simmons
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