Few ways to Lower Your Car Insurance Rate Everyone that has to buy automobile insurance likes to find ways to lower their insurance cost. There are many ways you can lower the rate you pay. Appraise the protection you want, amount of deductible you can comfortably pay for, find out all the discounts you are entitled to obtain and obtain few quotes for the car insurance policy you need .You may be surprised at the amount of...more
What to do when you attend AutoRussia 2011 One of the biggest Russian automotive conferences is back this year with AutoRussia 2011. As the whole car manufacturing industry recovers from the global recession, top auto businessmen and managers from all over Russia come together for a series of talks and brainstorming on how to further improve the flourishing car industry in Russia. If you are able to make it to this high status...more
Alabama Auto Insurance - What You Must Know Just like in many other states, before you can legally drive a car in the state of Alabama, you are required to have a minimum liability coverage. Knowing and adhering to these minimum coverages would save you from the penalties of driving without them which starts with a fine of about $500 and continues with your driving license being suspended.It is very important that you know the minimum liability coverage expected of you. We would try to look at it here so that you would be on the safe side of Alabama auto insurance law. Here are the details of the minimum coverage amounts:You are expected to have a minimum $25,000 to bodily injury for each person affected in the crash.A total of $50,000 for coverage of bodily injury per accident.For property damage, a total of $25,000 is required to cover this per accident.It is very important that you note that this figures refer only to what the state requires from you. It is very possible for you to get higher liability figures that may arise from the lawsuits that may arise from an auto crash. You should also know that this does not in any way cover damages to your own car. What!...more
Alaska Auto Insurance - Your Minimum Liability Coverage One thing that every driver in Alaska should have known by now is that there is always a minimum coverage required by law for every driver to have before they can drive legally in the state. Just in case you are not aware of this, we would look at what the state of Alaska...more
How To Get A Poor Credit Auto Loan We all need to have a vehicle today. It is no longer just a luxury. There are numerous reasons why an individual may wish a automobile. For some it is a status symbol, something they can impress their friends and family with and for other people it is essential for them to support themselves and get...more
Arizona Auto Insurance - What The State Demands States have guidelines that regulate the operation of an automobile in the state. Arizona has its own set of laws which include duly licensing of your car, verifiable proof of your financial ability to run the car(s) and not forgetting the very important state required minimum auto insurance coverage. Failure to get an auto insurance policy as stipulated by the state of Arizona would mean that your car would not be registered as you need this to register your car. In addition, if you are caught without the state required minimum coverage, you would be fined between $250 and $750. You would also lose your license and car registration. I have not mentioned the court cases you would get if you are involved in an accident. I am sure you now see the importance of following the state's directives before driving in Arizona.Arizona state minimum liability coverage is lower than that of some other states like Alabama and Alaska. For bodily damage, the state requires a minimum liability coverage of $15,000 for each person and a minimum of $30,000 liability coverage per accident.For property damage, the state requires a minimum...more
Arkansas Auto Insurance - Important Information Anyone who intends to drive in Arkansas must have some information at their disposal or else, they could have some problems. Like most states, Arkansas state has placed a minimum...more
California Auto Insurance - Driving Legally California state is not left out from the list of states that has mandatory minimum coverages for anyone who wants to drive in the state. We would try to look at these state required minimum...more
Colorado Auto Insurance - Staying Informed If you are a driver in Colorado state, then you must as a matter of necessity, do all you can to know what your state requires from you as far as auto insurance is concerned. We would try to...more
Connecticut Auto Insurance - What The State Demands Connecticut auto insurance laws are not so different from those of other states. There is a lot of emphasis on the protection of all those involved in a crash through basic car...more
Delaware Auto Insurance - Basic Facts To Know Delaware auto insurance regulations are very clear and are for the protection of road users from reckless drivers. To drive legally in Delaware, you would need to fulfill some requirements....more
Learn How Auto Insurance Adjustors Deny Claims Generally you purchased car insurance for your automobile because it required in your state, and it is the right thing to do. If you are unfortunate enough to get into an accident with...more