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10 Things To Do Before You're 10 Years Old

Calling all parents of young children!Are you stuck for ideas what to do with the children every weekend? Fed up with seeing them spend too much time on the computer? Getting bored with the Wii? If any of these sounds like your family then it's time for a return to some nostalgic outside activities.Nothing beats pure old-fashioned fun, that's why I've come up with a list of some of my favourite childhood pastimes - many of which won't even...more

10 Things Every Office Worker Needs To Stay Injury Free

Not being in the right physical shape has more to do with your aches and pains, than does your age. It takes strength to hold your body upright all day and most people do not have that kind of endurance.It is a pain to go to a gym or class. Besides who has the time! Unfortunately the front of your thighs will shorten from sitting so much and then you will have back pain anytime you stand for long periods of time. Headaches and mid back pain come...more

10 Steps to Slashing Your Car Insurance Costs, Part 2

10 Steps to Slashing Your Car Insurance Costs, Part 2 In Part 1, we detailed the first five strategies on how to cut your car insurance costs. In Part 2, we show you the second five.STEP 6 - Review, Change or Cancel No Fault & PIP (Personal Injury Protection)No-Fault Coverage, and it's Twin - PIP - started out as great idea's. Your premiums were actually going to be lowered. Then, your State Politicians got involved (at the urging of Insurance Lobbyists, of course) and mucked it up. You see, no-fault insurance coverage was originally intended to have each individual's losses, covered by their own car insurance company - no matter who was at fault.Today, in many States, car insurance companies are making a ton of money on no-fault because the insurance companies convinced State law-makers to make "modifications."Today, because of the these changes, car insurance companies have actually used the no-fault laws to reduce payments on a claim made by a customer, instead of reducing car insurance premiums as it was supposed to do.So, premiums keep going up-and-up and insurance companies end up paying less for claims - Someone's getting rich on that deal....and it's not...more

10 Steps To Take Care Before Purchasing Any Property

These are the ten factors you should consider before making any kind of investment in the property.1. Credit RatingPeople should keep their finances in order and a credit report to look at how the finances could be managed. One should know about their finances before applying for a mortgage. It helps in the process of getting the approval for the...more

10 Steps For Finding The Ideal Caravan Insurance

If you're currently in a position where you require insurance for your caravan, going online is perhaps the best option out there, simply because there is just so much choice available online nowadays.In fact, with so much to choose from, it's easy for the average person to feel overwhelmed, and for this reason we've listed ten simple steps you can...more

10 Secrets To Decreasing Your Auto Insurance Expenses

With gas prices on the rise, credit card bills coming in, college debt, mortgages, and the recession in full power you may find yourself struggling financially and wondering why you pay so much for car insurance. Dont fret; we do have solutions for you. Today well reveal some of the secrets that will decrease your insurance expenses considerable.1. Shop, shop, shopOne of the reasons people end up paying high insurance premiums is that they dont check out their providers competition. At least every couple of years, you should look at as the free auto insurance quotes offered by as many reputable companies as you possibly can. While this may be tedious and time consuming, your efforts will pay off. One of two things will happen. 1st case scenario: Youll find out that your provider is giving you the best car insurance rates out there, in which case you can rest easy with the knowledge that you are not being cheated out of your hard earned (or easily inherited) cash. 2nd Case Scenario: You will find a reputable company that offers you significantly lower auto insurance quotes and you will start saving big bucks thanks to your effort. Either way you have nothing to lose. 2. Adequate...more

10 Reasons Why Boxing "rocks"

Boxing specialist Glen Walsh brings boxing to personal trainers as an alternative method of cardio-vascular training that is guaranteed to be fun and safe while still providing all the benefits of a fitness workout...Here are 10 Reasons why Boxing...more

10 Reasons To Make An Injury Claim

10 Reasons To Make An Injury Claim Have you suffered an injury as the result of an accident suffered at home, in the office or on holiday? Here are 10 reasons why it may be worth making a claim for compensation.1. If you've lost out on a bonus...more

10 Quick Ways To Instantly Reduce The Cost Of Your Car Insurance

Struggling to find cheap car insurance? These 10 points are all quick ways that should ensure you see an immediate drop in the cost of your premiums. 1. Don't accept your renewal price - accepting your renewal price is the easiest way to get a new...more

10 People Who Have The Best Car Insurance Rates

Buying a new car insurance policy is not easy. You have to consider how much coverage you want and what kind of protection you need. If youre wondering what kind of people get the lowest insurance rates and why heres an interesting list of people....more

10 Mistakes When Buying Insurance For Your Car

Insurance is not the most pleasant thing to deal with as it always tends to be quite complex and full of hidden stones you'll break your neck with. And by breaking your neck we mean paying more of your money than you would want to. Many people tend...more

10 Mistakes To Avoid When Buying Orange County Car Insurance

Shopping around for the best deal on Orange County car insurance isnt just about selecting the company with the lowest costs. While price is always going to be a factor, buying the right type of coverage from a company that is right for your specific...more
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