Your Solutions For Teeth Whitening In Florence, Sc
Possessing a terrific smile just isn't so tough or difficult as it did before
. With the breakthroughs in dental care, methods like teeth whitening in Florence, SC, and correcting damaged teeth with false teeth are easy to do these days.
Getting your teeth shining white once again
One cosmetic dentistry procedure that easily gives you a vibrant smile is teeth bleaching. With many various kinds of chemical substances and accessories, dental professionals may bring the sparkle back to your teeth.
Most of the whitening teeth methods available in the market utilize a variety of peroxide chemical to make teeth light. One of the methods accessible to you are lightening toothpastes, rinses, strips, and gels. One of the more valuable strategies uses a mouth guard-like tray. The tray holds the whitening gel and will keep your teeth in contact with them for two hours. Mouth trays may also be ordered off-the-shelf, however your dental professional can present you with custom-fitted ones, which provide a greater fit and greater results.
Teeth whitening in Florence, SC, can also be done in your dentist's office. These methods use a peroxide gel similar to those in whitening trays. The dental professional will apply this directly to your teeth. The only difference with in-office teeth whitening is speed: depending on how stained your teeth are, the procedure lasts only for thirty minutes or an hour. This is possible through the special properties of the peroxide gel used for in-office treatments. Heat, a special light, or lasers hasten the teeth whitening properties. Results come in almost immediately, although for maximum effect, patients return for several more sessions.
Fixing broken smiles
If in case you cannot smile due to cracked or broken teeth, one way to fix it is with dentures in Florence, SC. Dentures are replacements for missing teeth or complete those with enough portions remaining. They are one of the more common cosmetic dental care methods for damaged teeth.
If a broken tooth has enough of its structure left, your dental professional might recommend using only partial dentures. The replacement portions hold together using a gum-colored plastic base connected by a metal framework. They attach to crowns beside the tooth that needs the replacement bits, but there are new kinds of dentures do not need attachment to nearby crowns.
One way to compensate for a removed tooth is through the usage of complete dentures. Conventional dentures are used to replace lost teeth after the gum tissue has healed. Around two to four months since the removal of your teeth, you can start using your dentures.
One type of denture is usable immediately after removal of the teeth. Called "immediate" dentures, these are put into position as soon as your teeth are removed. This means a patient need not go without teeth during the healing period. They require more adjustments than conventional dentures, though, as your bone and gums shrink over time. Impartial dentures are only a temporary solution until the actual, conventional dentures in Florence, SR, arrive.
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