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Hi {!name},
Just the sight of those words makes my stress level increase the second I see them, how about you? You want to know what motivates me, and motivated me every single day the last 4 years to build my network marketing business to the 6-figure level ? Yes, you got it, never seeing or hearing those words again, ever. Fear drives me, daily, the fear of having to receive a call from a creditor, or not being able to provide for my family and be able to give them "the good life". Now, I know what your thinking, that my reference to the "good life" is living in our million dollar home in Granite Bay California or having 3 cars in the garage or maybe taking 3/4 vacations a year to the Caribbean... and before 2009, I would have agreed with you; however, a lot changed last year when we witnessed out friends lose their homes, their cars, their marriages, and their health, all because of financial stress, simply because there was more month than money.
Friends, I have been there, and it is my intention to never be there again. I have learned a great deal over the years and have so much more to learn, but here is the BIGGEST thing I have learned: Doing life in the middle to low area of the income spectrum is tough! It does not build character, it builds resentment and broken hearts and dreams. It does not show our kids that quitting is not an option, or that downsizing your dreams to fit your wallet is not the example you want them to see, but rather, we want them to GO FOR THEIR DREAMS with GUSTO, because in America anyone CAN live THEIR DREAMS... but most won't ever show up, when given the chance. Here is the other thing I learned... THAT is mostly by choice. Now I understand some are unable to RUN toward their dreams, for health or physical conditions,and if that is you, I am truly sorry. However, if you can talk, if you can type, and you can turn off the TV or Facebook for an hour a day, you have no excuse but to elevate yourself and your loved one 's to a life they dream of and deserve to live. As you know, we only go around once, why struggle week to week, every month, for years, just to always be looking in the window at someone else living the life you dream of, wondering why they can and you can't. There is a secret as to why......most of them paid the price of success by stepping up, turning off all the distractions and focused on a single thing that got them where they are, and provided them the things they dreamed of. And you can too ! But it won't come without sacrifice, and I'm not talking only about money. Maybe it is the sacrifice of time, and giving up bowling night, or card night or TV on the couch every night after work. How much sacrifice depends on you, not on the business your in or you upline. It depends on how fast you want to get to the level of success you seek. Think about it... How bad do you want it...and how fast do you want to get there?

Share: And I'm not talking about setting you hair on fire and running all over the country screaming your opportunity, for me it was 2 conference calls per week, EVERY WEEK, making 2 exposures per day, EVERYDAY, well almost everyday, and thinking about how to grow my business every hour of everyday attending my company's national conventions 2 times per year, attending 1 regional training every quarter to learn the product, and 1 meeting every 6 weeks to hear how others were succeeding, and throwing a line to my friends and everyone I talked to so they would have that same chance to change their lives, as I DID. I left the decision up to them, but took the GUILT off of me for keeping this secret to myself, can you do that? See I am not selling them this chance to change their lives, I am SHARING it with them, what they DO with it. It's their choice... SACRIFICE you say, your kidding right ?
Let's see in the last 4 years, I have earned in excess of $400,000.00, I sold and retired from my 80 hour per week business that owned me... my son gives me a kiss when he leaves for school and I am still sleeping, I work from home, so I am there when my son get 's home from school so we can hang out in my home office while he plays online, and I work my business, he is 6 feet across the room at another desk. When he is out of school for a holiday, we're together all day...everyday. Sacrifice, YES, and damn well worth it. My family is FREE, FREE AT LAST,
to read more, please go to my blog and post your comments
by: Unshackled BreakFree2Liberty
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