You Need Legal Help When Injured By A Distracted Driver

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According to the National Highway Transportation and Safety Administration, there is a vehicle accident in the U.S. every 10 seconds. A great deal of personal injury claims involve these auto accidents. Sometimes the result of an auto accident is an acute injury that the person can overcome with minimal medical treatment. However, in other incidences, the result is life altering paralysis, brain injury, loss of limb, or other injury that requires compensation to last a lifetime.Although the influx of medical bills and the monetary results of being disabled may not be on the forefront of an injured party and immediate family's thoughts, it is vital to take a good look at the situation. Anyone that thinks they might have been the victim of a negligent, distracted, or under the influence driver, should consult with an attorney.There are auto accident lawyers, distracted driver lawyers, DWI lawyers, and other specialized personal injury experts applicable to your specific situation. For example, if the accident involved an 18 wheeler, then the victim might want to seek an experienced 18 wheeler accident attorney. The important factor is seeking a professional and experienced attorney to help determine if you have a case and help you file the case.Time is also a factor when seeking a personal injury lawyer, as many states limit the amount of time a victim has to file a personal injury lawsuit. The last thing a victim of a debilitating injury should face is to be unable to earn a living, but still left with a lifetime of medical care, therapy, and medical equipment expense. A personal injury lawsuit can seek monetary compensation for the victim of a negligent accident.It is very unwise for a victim or family of a victim to try to negotiate with insurance company on their own. The insurance company representative on the other end of the phone will not be a personal injury novice. Many insurance companies actually have an entire department of legal experts working 24/7 with the sole goal of not paying claims or paying as little as possible.It doesn't matter how clear-cut or valid the personal injury claim is, the insurance company will pressure for a settlement that is fair to them...not the victim. They may often even skirt the edge of the law in how truthful they are with the victim about their case for personal injury. Without the assistance of a auto accident or other personal injury lawyer, the victim is very likely to not even understand what a fair settlement amount would be, much less the applicable laws.Many victims worry about paying an attorney to represent them. It is usually possible to find an auto accident, 18 wheeler, brain injury, distracted driver, personal injury, or DWI attorney that will work on a contingency basis. This means that the potential client will not need to come up with any upfront fees for an attorney consultation and will not pay anything at all unless the personal injury settlement or trial is successful.
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