Wrong California Auto Insurance coverage can get you Bankrupt

Share: Wrong California Auto Insurance coverage can get you Bankrupt
Have you though about all the risks that can be involved with auto accidents? What about if you have the right coverage or enough coverage during an accident? Having the right California Auto Insurance and knowing the importance of having the right insurance coverage can make the difference between being financially protected or going bankrupt in case of a catastrophic loss. You might get persuade into buying an insurance policy from a brand named company that you hear about 24/7, but have you thought about the coverage you're getting? You may be overpaying for auto insurance because you're buying the insurance policy for the wrong reasons. Don't purchase a policy from a company because of its name reputation or because you have heard of the name so many times that you think that they're the only company out there, there is a good saying that says "If something is good, you don't need to advertise it so much". What if you can get a lot more coverage for what you pay on your insurance premium?
When you buy auto insurance you are probably don't understand what coverage you need or want. There is nothing wrong with not understanding your insurance coverage, what is wrong is not asking and being educated on your coverage and then regretting it after being involved in an accident and having to pay out of your pocket or having a lien put on your house or property because months ago when you were purchasing your insurance all you cared about was the company name and getting the state minimum coverage.
What you don't know or don't want to realize is that you can contact an independent insurance agent and obtain several quotes within several minutes and have a professional agent find the right coverage at the right price on all your insurance needs. For example, put yourself in this situation. You own a house and drive a 2008 Toyota Camry. You bought an insurance policy a few years ago and wanted whatever coverage the state requires by law because you wanted to pay the minimum possible. Now one day, you're driving down the road and there is a 2009 Mercedes S550 in front of you (very common vehicle to see on the road now days) this vehicle costs close to $100,000. As you're driving, you're not paying attention to the road and end up rear ending the Mercedes. What happens now? Remember you only got insurance because the law requires you to and you called a reputable company because you fell for the name and they sold you a policy that covers you at the state minimum which is $15,000 per person, $30,000 per occurrence and only $5000 property damage. What this means is your insurance policy covers the Mercedes you just rear ended only up to $5000. Do you think that is enough to cover the damages? So now, the owner of the Mercedes can come after your house because that is one of your assets to collect the damages for his car and I am not even starting on the bodily injury coverage.

Share: Do you really want to end up in this situation? All you need to do is take insurance more seriously. Let agents educate you on getting the right coverage and not always the cheapest. Do a little research on your own, shop for California Auto Insurance and read about the coverage you're purchasing. Believe me it is better to understand your coverage before an accident rather than being involved in a situation like this and losing everything you built all these years because you were negligent and took insurance for granted.
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