Workplace Risk Assessment: How to Prevent the 4 ULD Risks and Prevent Injuries

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So how are risks assessed? First, you have to understand what the risk factors are that can lead to upper limb disorders; second, you have to know how to use the risk assessment tools that would help you assess the risks; and last, identify the early warning signs that may attest the existence of a problem.Let us first take a look at risk factors, so that you would know them when you encounter them during risk assessment:1. Task-Related Factors.Okay, so what are task-related factors? From what you can assume, the factors are job related. There are four causes that we can relate to task-related factors:a. Repetition. Repeated tasks calls for repeated use of the same muscles of the body and the greater risk of ULDs.b. Working posture. There's also a risk when employees hold a certain position for prolonged periods and if they are in an awkward position which can strain the muscles and joints. An example would be sitting in front of the computer. If the employee is not using an ergonomic chair, the position might become awkward, resulting to body pains. Construction workers also tend to develop this, especially those who do manual work without the help of machines. They'd have to bend down to do it efficiently, making their backs hurt along the process.c. Force usage. Okay, so this processes is involves a lot of things from vague to specific. First, handling moderate to heavy weight objects. Like, a hand drill, a large spade or mallet. Second, fast movements or excessive force used by the muscles of the body. Like for example, undoing a stiff bolt or hammering in nails. And third, the existence of local force or stress that come into contact with parts of the upper limb. Like say, using a pair of pliers, where the handles dig into the palm of the hand, or say, using a scissor.d. Duration. This includes the duration of the task and that it is covered throughout the whole shift, plus the number of working days that the task is needed to be done. Duration would also include those mentioned above.2. Environment-related FactorsThese are considered risk factors since it's not only physical stress that cause ULD, but also becayse stress-related changes can cause muscle strain which makes employees more likely to develop MSD. So there are two types of factors that are involved with this one:a. Working environment. This involves the physical environment, like say the temperature and lighting, and the existence of some elements, like vibrations.b. Organizational factors. This doesn't have anything to do with the physical environment, but more likely with the work factors such as too high workloads, killer deadlines, and lack of motivation in the work.3. Employee-related factors.These factors involve the employee and all others surrounding him. Like I mentioned, not all factors are physical. This is one more factor that could add to the stress of the employee and aggravate the risk for ULDs. For example, there can be individual differences with another employee, or even with the management. New employees are more open to this risk since a new environment usually means more adjustments.
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Workplace Risk Assessment: How to Prevent the 4 ULD Risks and Prevent Injuries