My sister-in-law told me just about the craziest women's tankini swimsuit story that I have ever heard
. It happened back before she married my brother. It was a nice summer evening and they were sitting in a hot tub with some of their friends and roommates at their apartment complex.
Little did they know that the chemicals in the hot tub had not been properly balanced that day. There they were sitting in the hot tub relaxing and having a good time while unbeknown to them, their bathing suits were getting completely destroyed.
When she and her friends got out of the hot tub, they noticed that their bathing suits were a different color than they had been when they first climbed in.
Not only that, but the guys that were sitting there in the hot tub discovered that when they got out of the pool they no longer had any hair on their arms or their legs.
The girls were feeling lucky that they hadn't let any of their own hair get in the water too much. Imagine how terrible it would be to get out of the hot tub only to discover that the bottom of your pony tail had been disintegrated.
My sister-in-law also brought up the fact that they were lucky that their bathing suits survived the whole experience as well as they did. She was definitely annoyed that her swimming suit had been bleached enough to completely change its color.
On the other hand, knowing that the water they were sitting in had the ability to make all the guys hair fall off or burn off so quickly, she was feeling lucky that the strings in her swimming suit had proven strong enough to save her from a potentially very embarrassing situation.
I know that they talked to the manager's of their apartment complex, and made them aware of the problem so that no one else would have the same experience. I guess in this day in age they could have sued the manager and made some decent money , but none of them really wanted to make a big deal out of the situation.
Instead they all laughed it off, and my sister-in-law has a good time explaining to everyone about the time when she ended up accidentally dying her women's tankini swimsuit while enjoying a nice relaxing evening out in the hot tub.