Women's Dating Tips - How to Attract a Man and KEEP Him!

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I know, it can be hard for you to meet the right guy, and sometimes it seems downright impossible. Men just do not think the same way that we do when it comes to relationships, and when you think that you have found the perfect guy, he usually ends up doing something that makes you question everything you THOUGHT you knew about guys.
You can make a choice here, ladies. You can either swear off men altogether and become best friends with your couch and a pint of ice cream, or you can finally figure out how to attract the right guy for you. They are out there. There are men that are able to maintain a healthy and loving relationship without all of the usual games that little boys seem to want to play.
You have to find them, though, and that is the hard part, I guess.
Here are some ways that you can attract a man and keep him:
1. Don't settle for Mr. Right Here, Right Now. I know a lot of ladies that will say that they are holding out to meet the right guy, but as soon as the next jerk comes along, they are all too willing to give him a chance. Of course, this usually ends up with them getting getting their heart broken or worse, but they still seem to fall for Mr. Right Now.
2. Don't be afraid to test men. Women have been giving men these little tests for a long time, and if the right man comes along, he will understand this and shrug it off as just being part of the natural order of things. If you don't think that he will past whatever test that you throw his way, then maybe he is not the kind of guy that you should be dating, don't you think?
3. Don't put too much pressure on him. I know. You want a relationship and you want it now. But, if you put too much pressure on a guy, you can be sure that somewhere along the way, he is going to CRACK. And when he does, YOU are going to LOSE him. Don't do that to yourself. You are better than that and you deserve more!
Want to learn more exciting tips on how toattract a man?
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