Women Living Alone in Apartments Need Protection
Women Living Alone in Apartments Need Protection
Although I have lived in a couple of apartments in the past, it is not my favorite living situation. I don't like having people all around me, hearing everything I do, knowing when I come and go. I like having a large dog for company and protection and a lot of apartments don't allow large dogs. That's understandable, though. Apartment life isn't really ideal for a large dog, especially if you don't live on the ground floor or if your dog barks when you aren't there to control it.But without a dog you don't have that sense of protection, that sense of being safe in your apartment that even a small dog can offer.Some people love apartment living, though. There's less yard upkeep, usually a smaller inside area to keep clean and there is the company of other apartment dwellers.So, what can a single woman do to protect herself if she lives in an apartment? The fact that there are other people living all around her does not necessarily mean she will be safe. There is no guarantee that all of the people who live in the surrounding apartments are decent, law-abiding citizens without any ill intent.There are several means of protection a single woman can use to create a sense of safety and security in her apartment. There is such a thing as a glass breakage alarm, which, when attached to a window, will emit an alarm if someone tries to open it.Another low cost alarm you can install yourself is the magnetic door alarm. With its 2 parts, one bolts to the window or door frame and the other to the window or door itself. The opening of the window or door will then set off the alarm.How about a mini alert alarm? It is a battery operated motion detector that you can set up at night to protect an area inside your apartment. If anyone passes through that area, the alarm will sound.Another great device to help you feel safe in your apartment is a door stop alarm, which you can place under your door at night. If anyone tries to open the door, it will set off the alarm. This is also a great item to have if you share an apartment with someone you aren't especially trusting of, and you want to be sure they don't come into your bedroom while you are asleep.One of the most convenient and powerful self-defense items out there is pepper spray. Every woman should have at least 3 of these small canisters where it is allowed by law, keeping one in her purse, easily accessible in her apartment, and within her vehicle. Using this on an intruder will quickly debilitate him.Every woman should have these tools - if not all of them, at least one. And yet how many do? They aren't readily available in most towns but they can be found abundantly on the internet. Single women should not have to live in fear just because they want to live alone.By doing a little research online, you can find the right measures to take to protect your privacy and life. It only takes a moment for an intruder to ruin your life, so don't put off getting the kind of protection you need. Do it now and be safe.
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