Women Acquire Long Term Care Insurance

Share: Senior demographics have revealed that women outlive men by at least seven years and have greater chances of requiring care in their later years
. Long term care insurance for women remains to be a favorite table talk topic as more women of today have expressed concern for their future health.
While we dont discount the ability of men to take care of their parents or spouses who have come down to a disabling disease, women by nature just happen to be born with innate caregivers characteristics.
A womans capability to care is not limited to her parents, spouse and children. She will make herself available even to in-laws and friends, practically anyone who has been an integral part of her life.
Unfortunately, no matter how caring and loving women are most of them end up alone and financially unsound. Providing serious care means dropping everything that matters such as a good career that generates big income. As a matter of fact, studies have revealed that 33% of family caregivers who are working women have decreased their work hours so that they can spend more time at home and address the needs of their parents or spouses who are in need of care.

Share: Meanwhile, there are other women who have opted for early retirement because they can no longer juggle their schedule at work with their caregivers chores. This decision to retire often leads them to the financial hole especially if they are responsible for covering the long term care (LTC) expenses of the people that they are taking care of.
Long Term Care Insurance for Women
Aside from neglecting her career goals and financial security, once a woman assumes the role of an unpaid caregiver this can result in different kinds of serious health conditions, most of which chronic by nature.
They are at risk of higher levels of depression, anxiety, coronary heart diseases, high blood pressure, and even Alzheimers. Perhaps this explains why most elderly residents in nursing homes particularly in Alzheimer special care units are women.
The reason that women caregivers are susceptible to serious health conditions is their inability to share their burden with other family members. They keep all those negative feelings in their system unaware of its dangerous impact on their health.
Another factor that makes women more prone to serious maladies is the lack of initiative to undergo preventive health screenings or life line screenings. Some of them lack information about these services while others are aware but they dont do anything because they are threatened by the exorbitant cost that comes with such health care services.
Health care professionals also stress that the main culprit of womens health is the unreasonable hours that they spend on caring for a loved one. Many of these unpaid caregivers allot 20 to 36 hours to caring for a disabled loved one. If paid caregivers can work four to eight hours only why cant unpaid family caregivers do the same?
If you think you fall under the label of unpaid caregiver, perhaps its time that you look into the array of benefits offered by long term care insurance for women. Its never too late to save yourself from the financial pit.
by: Roberta Mejia
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