Winterizing Your Automobile Battery

Share: Winters are the most painful time when your battery refuses to start
. Unless there is more than three and a half times power supplied to it, you may not be going any where. During those cold, winter mornings, there are many people who keep their batteries on a permanent state of 'on' so that they do not have to waste precious time trying to get their cars on the road. These problems are encountered because more than seventy percent of people across the US do not winterize their cars efficiently. According to the AAA, winterizing your battery and radiator are musts, considering the severity of the terrible winter weather and chillness. Here are few ways for you to get rid of your electrical system hassles and battery start-up problems in the winter season.
AAA Advice on How to Winterize Your Battery And Electrical Systems
Car batteries are not your average AA batteries. Its best to not contemplate a DIY project at any costs, even if you're a mechanical engineer. Instead, take the car for servicing and general battery repairs at an authorized service center and let them work out troubleshooting prospects for you. The biggest culprit when it comes to battery stalling is corrosion and freezing. Corrosion cannot be detected with a naked eye and requires professional help. Freezing temperatures of the winter season can wreck havoc on the battery, electrical and suspension systems. You will have to insulate your electric systems well in advance to save your automobile from bad weather. Also, remember to always charge your battery. since a fully charged battery does not freeze until temperatures of more than -76 F are reached.
What Not To Do To Your Battery and Electrical Systems in the Winter

Share: Many car owners consider overcharging their batteries to keep them from freezing in winter. However, that is a dangerous practice and can permanently spoil your car battery. Overcharging is as bad as undercharging and can be very harmful to your battery. Another thing to be aware of is dirt on your battery terminals. Dirt is a good conductor of heat and can easily transfer the chillness from the environment to your battery. It's best to have one of our auto repair mechanics inspect your battery and get it ready for the winter.
Winterization Checklist For Your Entire Automobile and Battery Systems
Not only your battery, but the whole of your car needs a winterization makeover. We urge you to schedule an extensive inspection of the fluids in your car, the radiator system, the exhaust system (in case of any leaks,) the tires for alignment and other steering and suspension problems, regular oil changes, fuel system overhauls, and the working condition of the defroster and the car heater. Your windshield wipers are also important components to be checked before winter starts, so that your windshield will stay clean and free from road debris and road salt. Even after your inspection and winterization of your car, you need to make it a best practice to top of your fluids when needed. Also, an easily overlooked item is a winter survival kit. Doing a quick search online will warrant plenty of results with the a required checklist.
by: Jon Miller
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